(no subject)

Jul 03, 2005 20:45

I watched episode 5x09 of "QAF" earlier, but I'm not going to comment on it this time, at least not until I find something nice to say about it. That is, something other than the fact that I really like Jennifer's beau! =P.<-- Highlight to read.

I guess I'd gotten my hopes up too much when I read someone's comment that said if we'd liked episodes 5x07 and 5x08 this one would kill us, but to me it was nothing but a major disappointment. Must be the month. *insert bitter sarcasm galore* Hopefully I'll change my mind if/when I watch it again. In the meantime, though, my expectations are getting increasingly slimmer.

On an even sadder note, technology hates my fiore_di_fuoco and me. =(  Her ADSL connection is dead and so is my portable CD player! =S  My stereo's working right now, but it wasn't until 10 minutes ago, so... On top of everything, oil got into my mobile phone screen - don't ask! - so I'm afraid it won't live long, either.

Ok, since this is getting too depressing even for me, lol, here's a big BSB Lurve Picspam which I hope you'll enjoy. ;)

...because I'm a dork and now I practically watch BSB tv appearances just to see if Nick & Kev are sitting next to one another. =P Too bad in this whole "Incomplete" promotion Kevin's always playing the piano! =P

Since the last time I didn't post any Nick/Brian pics, I'll try and make up for that this time. OMG Slutty Nick's Back Again! *lol*

Shame on you, Nick, Brian's a married man!! Um, ok, Kevin's, too, you have a point, but at least he doesn't have a child! =P  Besides, you see, Brian's in love with AJ...


More Slutty!Nick-ness...

Some more random-ish pics...


Now, Nick saw Kevin's picture with Ryan, so, of course, he had to go and hit on Howie and make Kevin jealous...

But in the end it's always them, so I thought I'd share this wonderful wallpaper my awesome friend Claudia made for me. If only I could be half as skilled...

Credits for most of the pics goes, as usual, to www.not-like-you.com.

EDIT: Does anyone know where I could find some pictures of BSB wearing crowns like in that old MTV special, "The Story So Far", where they're proclaimed 'the new kings'?? Thanks.

bsb, qaf, arok, rambles, nickev

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