die hard catholics

Feb 18, 2003 12:02

my family is sooooo wierd about church. How about this one for you? it made me laugh cause its soooo ridiculous.
My uncle who as we speak is just now coming out of Open Heart Surgery after having a heart attack last Thursday (???) one of those days.
Well on sunday in the midst of the snowstorm and the 3 inches of ice we got down in evansville, he asks the doctor if he can be checked out to go to church. What doctor in his right mind would let a man still in intensive care (even if he probably belongs in the regular cardio area of the hospital) leave the premises even if only for an hour? Or what patient would want to go to chruch that bad? heck there's a little chapel go use that one downstairs you know? but what?
Yes and the crazy doctor let him, they ripped out his iv's together and off he went with him son and wife. And then when they got there no one was there cause the weather was too bad so he asked some nun if they needed my cousin to be the altar boy! what wierdos, because of course he ended up serving thru the mass.
And then afterwards my uncle checked himself back in, climbed in his bed and waited till the doctor came back in to put the iv in his arm.

I am kinda afriad of what these doctors are thinking in evansville!
But i guess my uncle was happy to break out of "prison" for an hour, even if it was odd.
Regardless, i'm laughing hysterically thinking of the crazy doctors that we put in charge of our lives when we're in their care!
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