Michelle's PR.
Or it would have been, if I'd had anything approaching sleep over the last couple of weeks.
I'm sure it wasn't like this with Will. Or maybe it was and I'm just too knackered to remember, which would be like me.
Dave's been at it as well of course, so I'm sadly having to report that my husband has spent more nights in with Simon Cowell of late than he has with me.
Still, it paid off in the end. I'm not one to hinge everything on chart positions, but I think if Michelle hadn't got to number 1 I would ahve had to write to CIN and demand compensation for the loss of manhours in my office spent purely on that single (that's a joke, by the way, Mr News of the World editor..:o})
Slightly on this topic, I really feel like is getting far too much stick over the whole World Idol buisness. He's been out of the loop of the whole comeptiton thing for a long time now, and even if he hadn't, if he didn't enjoy it he didn't enjoy it, you can't hang a man for having something better to do on New Year than enter a UN karaoke final.He's been slaving his arse off all year and you know what, maybe he's just a bit tired.
Another single I'm happy to see doing so well though *g*
Right, the mobile's going off, so God knows when I'll surface again...but
we will be in touch very soon...I'm sure I don't need to tell you how up in the air the Simons are right now. hope you're feeling better-might catch the show in a week or so should I get any time off at all, and and bless you both.
Take care