Nov 16, 2004 21:54
i cant believe i havent been online since saturday afternoon... that has to be some sort of record for me. i did go online saturday afternoon for awhile, but then i babysat out in jersey for the night and i stayed there overnight since i had an early riding lesson on sunday. starting this sunday though, my lessons are going to be later - around noon. i sorta liked going to lessons early since there wasnt much traffic (and now with the holidays coming up, its going to be mass chaos and insane drivers) and it sort left the rest of my day open, although i usually just sleep or watch football or tv. whatever, at least in the middle of the day, it will be somewhat warmer than at 9:30 in the morning.
and on top of having trouble sleeping and really not having any sort of sleeping pattern, this weekend just messed it up even more. i mean i slept in the guest room and the bed was comfortable and i was fine, but it took me awhile to fall asleep and then i woke up a little while later because i was sweating i was so hot. so i closed the vent and went back to sleep for awhile, but then i just kept waking up randomly, like either every hour or hour and a half. oh well, i guess it was the fact that i wasnt in my own bed or at home - just somewhere different. and i was kinda worried about waking up on time and not sleeping late.
i saw the incredibles on sunday with stoo. it was good - typical great pixar animation and pretty good story - it was sorta on the long side, i guess since they showed them in the early years and then how they were forced to live as normal people, and then got to the present day and what happens. toy story and a bugs life are still my favorites. i thoguht that i was going to fall asleep like 2 different times, not because the movie was boring, but i was so tired. and when i got home, i kinda got my second wind, but then ended up sleeping for like 2 hours in the evening. so then monday i basically slept on and off all day except for when i had to go to therapy. and then i fell asleep before i had to go to work, and i woke up at 5pm and 5:15 is the train that i take to work. I was like oh well, ill just call in and make something up. luckily i thoguht of a good one - i had to drive my dad to the airport since my mom was running late at work and he had to go to jfk and if we didnt leave then, he would have probably missed his flight. you may applaud now... :) and then i remembered that the eagles were playing monday night football and i was like YES!! so thats what i spent my free night doing... not like i wouldve been doing much of anything else.
getting my hair cut tomorrow (insert freaked out, nervous look on my face)
im really not that freaked out since im not cutting it short or anything - just a few inches - but i am attached to my hair and i couldnt imagine having it short again (short just isnt my thing - i look like an idiot). im just going to have to literally draw on myself the point of where she can cut to because I really don't want anymore than that, even thoguh i should probably cut a little more off, but i dont want to. besides, the worst split ends are at the bottom and the rest arent so bad.... ill just have to go more frequently to cut it i guess...