TSCC Fic: It's Good to be Neighborly-Part 2

Jul 03, 2011 09:43

"I'm so glad you guys could make it," Kaci enthused, ushering Sarah and Cameron to a table in the backyard. "Really, I know you've got a lot going on-"
"Wouldn't miss it," Sarah assured her neighbor. It was only half a lie. She liked Kaci, she really did. And she wanted to be there for Kaci. If that involved sitting through what promised to be an afternoon of pure hell, well, she'd made it through Pescadero, hadn't she?

"Can I get you guys a drink? There's some snack platters in the kitchen-"

"I don't get hungry," Cameron stated.

"Oh, don't tell me you're one of those ridiculously perfect girls on some lunatic diet," Kaci teased. She didn't notice the warning glare passing from Sarah to Cameron.

"I'm not one of those ridiculously perfect girls on some lunatic diet," replied Cameron. Since it was Kaci's party, and since Sarah had ordered her to behave, it seemed prudent to oblige Kaci's request.

"Good." After shooting Sarah a questioning glance and confirming that the brunette didn't need any refreshments, Kaci pulled up a chair next to Sarah and opposite Cameron. "I can't stand it when girls like you get this idea that they have to turn themselves into twigs."

"Why would I want to turn myself into a twig?"

Sarah fought off a strong urge for tequila. Lots and lots of very strong tequila. "I warned you about Cameron. All that dry humor."

"Are you kidding, I love it. Some people, no humor at all, right? It's like they're dead inside."

"Yes," Cameron agreed. "Some people."

"So," Sarah began, trying to maintain control of the conversation. "I was going to apologize for being late but…" Trailing off, she let her eyes roam meaningfully around the empty yard.

Sighing, Kaci ducked her head nervously. When she met Sarah's eyes, the blonde looked half-apologetic and half-pleading. "I know, I'm really sorry. You remember me telling you that I needed some backup to deal with Trevor's mom?" Sarah nodded. "Truth is, I need a lot more than that. You guys might have to hold me back if I try to strangle her."

"You're pregnant, you shouldn't overexert yourself. If you want to strangle Trevor's mother, I will-"

"Cameron," Sarah interrupted. "Not everyone appreciatesyour humor like we do at home."

"Kaci does. She said so, moments ago, do you not remember?" Cameron said in the store that Sarah wasn't that old. Perhaps she'd been wrong. Perhaps the mother of the future was suffering from early-onset Alzheimer's disease. Memory loss was often the first sign.

"I really do," Kaci agreed. "Especially after dealing with Brenda all afternoon. Trevor's mom," she explained. "She ran out to get last-minute party stuff for a party that I don't even want."

"You are about to become a mother," said Cameron, drawing from her earlier conversation with Sarah. "You deserve to have people come here with gifts and celebrate you and your child."

"Cameroon, that's really sweet." Grinning, Kaci switched her attention to Sarah. "Does she say nice things like that to you, too?"

"Not really."

"Not really."

Two responses, one from Sarah, one from Cameron. Two identical responses, perfectly in sync.

"I get it," Kaci nodded. "I was the same way with my mother. Miss Congeniality to the rest of the world, but when mom came in the room… Jeez, sorry, Cameron. Here we are, talking about you like you're not even here."

"I don't mind."

"Speaking of mothers…?"

"Right," Kaci groaned. "Brenda. I must sound so ungrateful. She's throwing this thing for me and all I can do is whine. But if you knew her…that's why I asked you to come early. I couldn't actually ask, because Trevor was there when I called, and I kept meaning to tell you, but we kept missing each other."

"It's been a hectic month," Sarah agreed. There'd been lots of yelling and shooting and chasing of leads that didn't pan out. Between pursuing the names on the list and attempting to chase Riley away without actually making Cameron chase her away…

"Anyway, Brenda's just…you know how I told you that Trevor's job freaked me out?"

Sarah nodded. Having a cop this close freaked her out as well.

"Well that's not the only thing that freaks me out. Being with Trevor means dealing with Brenda, and I honestly don't know if I can handle that. I couldn't even handle a whole day of her without calling in reinforcements."

"Stop underestimating yourself, How bad can this woman be?"

"Don't get me wrong, it's not like she's evil or anything. And she's tried to help out with the pregnancy. Hence the total and complete takeover of my baby shower. She insisted that I not lift a finger, so she'd be able to invite all of her friends, none of mine. I'm a chef for Goof's sake, and she wouldn't even let me help with the menu. By the way, I hope you guys like finger food."

"I like finger food. It is finger-licking good."

Sarah groaned inwardly, cursing John's liking of fast food. "Bit of a control freak?"

"You have no idea. You're way too cool for this, but you know those moms who just won't let go of their kids? Everything Trevor does, Brenda has to know about. She's had his whole life planned out for him since he was a baby. And it's not just the normal I've-got-hopes-and-dreams-for-my-kid thing. It's this whole master plan of where he's going to end up, and if Tev goes away from that even one little bit, Brenda acts like the world is going to end. Please tell me I don't sound crazy, that you know what I'm talking about?"

"I know what you're talking about," Sarah confirmed, trying not to fidget in her chair.

"She does," Cameron agreed. "She is an expert."

Sarah smiled pleasantly, wishing she had a screwdriver and pliers, wishing she could get at Cameron's chip. Actually, she wanted thermite, but she didn't want to set Kaci's yard on fire. "I take it you weren't in this big, master plan."

"God no. She thinks there's something wrong with me because I wasn't married with two kids by the age of 19, like she was. Plus the fact that I have a job, that I like my job, that I don't want to play housewife for the rest of my life. To hear her tell it, you'd think we were stuck in the 1950's."

"Brenda's thinking is flawed. The average American woman does not marry until the age of 27. Many women do not have their first child until after age 30. Also, we are not trapped in the 1950's. Though time-warps are not unheard of, it is highly unlikely-"

"Cameron took a class on statistics last year. She's also kind of a sci-fi geek."

"Really? I never would've guessed.

"Yes, I am a sci-fi geek. May the force be with you. Live long and prosper."

"Sounds like Brenda's big on family, you'd think she'd be happy about getting a grandchild."

"Oh, she's thrilled about that," Kaci confirmed, rubbing a hand over her stomach. "She just wishes it was someone else giving it to her. Everything I do is wrong in her eyes, and she's not shy about expressing herself. I've gotten more advice from her-unsolicited of course-than from any of those What to Expect books. She knows best on every issue, and God help anyone who says different. Her way or the highway, you know? Don't you just hate people like that?"

"Yes," said Cameron. "People like that are a real drag." Cameron looked at Sarah. Sarah looked at Kaci, clenching her hands under the table.

"I'm sure she's just trying to help," Sarah offered, pretending not to notice Cameron's scrutiny, "Mother knows best and all that."

"She thinks I got pregnant on purpose. Something wrong with me, couldn't land a guy on my own, so I had to trap her son."

"Brenda's thinking is flawed," Cameron stated, repeating her earlier sentiment. "If you are the one who is freaked out about getting married, why would you allow yourself to be impregnated in order to facilitate a marriage?"

"Cameron reads a lot," Sarah explained, noticing Kaci's raised eyebrows.

"Yes, I read a lot. I don't like the Twilight novels. They are poorly-written and lacking in original \ thought. Their mass popularity confuses me."

"Everybody's a critic," Sarah replied. "You were saying?" she prompted, locking eyes with Kaci.

"No, Cameron's right. I love this little guy already." Smiling, she caressed her belly again. "But I sure as hell didn't plan him. But try telling Brenda that. She seems to forget that this wasn't all me. It takes two to tango."

"Yes. It also takes two to engage in sexual intercourse. Perhaps Trevor's mother has forgotten this as well. She is getting older, perhaps her mental processes are starting to decay. Is she married?"

"Um…no. Trevor's dad was smart enough to run while he still could."

"Then perhaps Brenda has been sexually inactive for too long. Perhaps she has forgotten the mechanics involved in conception. If you like, I will remind her."

Before Kaci could say anything about the birds and the bees, or about riding a bike and never forgetting, a gray-haired woman opened the screen-door, joining them on the patio. The fake smile Sarah had plastered on through most of this torturous conversation grew wider as introductions were made. She wasn't the only one acting. Cameron was doing her version of cordiality which, of course, was more than slightly off. Kaci was doing an admirable job of pretending to like the woman next to her, but Sarah could see the strain on her face.

"So you're the saintly young woman who took Kaci to the hospital during that little episode," Brenda gushed. Her smile was disgustingly sweet. "Thank you so much."

"It was nothing, really. I was happy to help."

"I'm sure you were," Brenda replied. She'd taken a seat on the other side of Kaci and was patting the younger woman's hand in a decidedly patronizing manner. "Just as happy as I would've been. If Kaci here had bothered to call me."

The blonde sighed in a way that spoke of old arguments. "I'm sorry, Brenda. I got scared, and Sarah was so much closer-"

"But after you were brought in. You could've called me then. Or my son, for that matter."

"It was a stressful day," Sarah interjected. Her protective instincts were coming out, something that rarely happened outside of John's presence. "It was a stressful day and Trevor was busy. I'm sure Kaci-"

"Oh, I know Kaci wouldn't deliberately cut me or Trevor out of the baby's life-"

"Trevor or I."

The sickeningly bright smile dimmed as Brenda met Cameron's gaze. "I'm sorry."

"Trevor or I, not 'me or Trevor.' Your sentence was grammatically incorrect."

"My, aren't you the little English major."

"No, I'm not. I'm not in college yet. I look forward to the hazing and the frat parties. Do you think someone will slip me the date rape drug?"

"Cameron!" Sarah barked. Counting to five in her head, Sarah gave Brenda the same story she'd given Kaci weeks ago, when the blonde first mentioned this shower. "I'm sorry. Cameron has a social disorder. She gets nervous around new people, blurts things out."

"Yes, I blurt things out. I have a social disorder. I also have a mild case of Tourette's syndrome."

Brenda frowned. "I saw something on the health channel about that. There was a young man who used obscenities and barked like a dog."

"I don't bark. I don't like dogs. Sarah says that I am a cat person."

Brenda's eyes narrowed considerably. "I never trusted people who didn't like dogs. Always felt they had something to hide. Dogs are smart. Dogs sense when you have something to hide."

"Brenda, please," Kaci interjected. "Sorry. Trevor gets his suspicious cop, interrogation thing from his mother."

Cameron nodded. "Is Trevor a mama's boy?"

"Cameron," Sarah reprimanded, tone sharp. "Sorry," she continued, directing the remark at Brenda.

"It's quite all right. I suppose Trevor is rather attached to me, but there's nothing wrong with that, right?"

"Right," Cameron agreed. "My brother used to be a mama's boy, before he and Sarah started fighting."

Brenda frowned, her brow knitting in confusion. "That's the second time you've called your mother Sarah."

Cameron frowned, face contorting into her own version of confusion. "Sarah is my mother's name."

"It's a phase," Sarah stated quickly. "You know, kids and their rebellious streaks."

"My Trevor never had a rebellious streak," Brenda retorted. There was more than a hint of judgment in her tone.

"Because Trevor is a mama's boy?" Cameron asked.

"Cameron!" Sarah assessed the situation. No problems where Kaci was concerned, except that the younger woman was having serious problems containing her laughter. Brenda wore an expression not completely dissimilar to that of certain terminators Sarah had come in contact with over the years. "Sorry. It's a phase," Sarah repeated. "Minor rebellion."

"Really. And what caused this minor rebellion?"

"Do teenagers need reasons to make our lives difficult?"

"Sarah is correct. I am a rebel. Without a cause."

Sarah cursed to herself. Clearly, the metal had been watching too many movies.

"Well, as long as you don't associate with those gang-jumper girls I hear about on the news."

"Banger," Kaci corrected. "Gang-banger."

Brenda's eyes flew to the blonde. "How would you know, dear? Are you one of them?"

Kaci ducked her eyes. "No, Brenda."

"Well then, have you met any of these gang-jumpers?"

"No, Brenda."

"Well then. How would you know?"

Sarah worked hard to keep her voice from sounding like a growl. "Maybe she saw the same news report you did. Or maybe Trevor told her."

"My son is not a gang-jumper."

"No," said Cameron. "Your son is a police officer. I like police officers, I find them useful." She refrained from telling Brenda about the time she stole a policemen's uniform, or about what she'd done to get it. This seemed like it would be too much information. Telling Brenda that she, Cameron, had met several gangbangers, and that they wouldn't appreciate being confused with jumpers, also seemed like too much information.

"Well, it's good to see some young people with a respect for the law," Brenda enthused. She seemed to have forgotten the earlier comments on Cameron's rebellious nature. "Kids today with their rap music and their pants down to their ankles, asses hanging out."


"What, Kaci? We're all adults here."

"Actually we aren't," said Sarah, nodding towards Cameron.

"Oh. Well I'm sure she's heard worse at school, on the cable television."

"Your view of teenagers is too broad," Cameron observed. "My brother is a teenager. He hates rap and Sarah makes sure he always has his ass covered."


"You do," insisted the cyborg. "Every day, you instruct me to cover John's ass at all costs."

Surreptitiously fingering the Glock hidden beneath her shirt, Sarah entertained herself with thoughts of using it. "She has those disorders."

"I see," said Brenda. "Have you tried medication?"

"Have tried, in the process of trying. Doctor's still looking for the right combination."

"Yes," said Cameron. "I am a druggie."

Sarah fought an urge to slam her head against the table. "You're not a druggie."

"The pills I take qualify as drugs. Doesn't that qualify me as a druggie?"

"She's not a druggie," Sarah repeated. Getting to her feet, she took Cameron's arm in what she hoped was a helpful, maternal way. She entertained herself with thoughts of ripping the arm off. "But, I do think you might've forgotten your meds today."

"Yes, I forgot," Cameron agreed, standing up as well. Since Sarah was the one showing signs of premature Alzheimer's, Cameron found it somewhat unfair that she was being accused of forgetfulness.

"I think your refill is still in my purse," Sarah continued. "Let's go to the kitchen and-"

"I'll go with you," Kaci asserted. It was obvious that she didn't want to be left alone with Brenda.

"Don't get up, I'm just going to grab Cameron a glass of water. Anyone else need anything?"

At this point, Brenda was also rising to leave. "I need to check on a few things before the guests arrive. Honestly Kaci. Letting Sarah here play waitress. What kind of hostess are you?"

Sarah released Cameron's arm and crossed her own over her chest. "I thought Kaci didn't need to play hostess? Aren't you in charge of that?"

"Sarah doesn't mind playing waitress," Cameron added. "Sarah used to be a waitress. She was named Employee of the Month once."

Sarah blinked. What kind of information did Cameron's databases contain? Shaking that thought off, Sarah ignored Brenda's jab about how waitressing was a noble profession, but she, Brenda, never had to work outside the home. While Brenda bustled around in the living room, Sarah grabbed her purse for appearance's sake, dragging Cameron into the bathroom and shutting the door behind them. Tossing her purse on the counter, Sarah turned to glare at her cyborg companion. "What the hell was that?"

Cameron tilted her head. "Please be more specific."

"What were you doing out there?"

"Being neighborly."

"Neighborly. Are you intentionally making an ass of yourself?"

"Why would I want to make myself into a donkey?"

"Why do you keep agreeing with everything I say?"

"You told me it was important for us to be sociable. When I disagree with you, you typically get angry and storm off. Storming off is not sociable."

"Stop agreeing with me all the time, you sound like a damn Stepford child."

"Who is Stepford? Stepford is not one of our backup aliases."

"Never mind. I didn't tell you to say the Tourette's thing."

"I ad-libbed."

"You what?"

"Ad-libbed. Improvised. I learned it in acting class."

"When have you ever taken an acting class."

"For one day, several months ago, before we left school. Mr. Sanchez kicked me out. He said I didn't show enough emotion in my performances."

Sarah rolled her eyes, preparing not to choke on her next words. "It was good."

"What was?"

"The ad-lib thing, the Tourette's. Easier to explain why you're talking like a lunatic."

"Oh. Thank you. Brenda thinks I am retarded."

"She what?"

I can hear her in the living room, on the phone with one of the guests." Cameron paused, listening. "Margaret. Brenda is telling Margaret that I am retarded."

Sarah shook her head, irrationally pissed off. "Brenda's a bitch. Bet my last dollar that Margaret is, too."

"The majority of our funds are scattered throughout-"

"It's an expression."

"Oh. Thank you for explaining."

"Why don't we just save the breath and have that phrase tattooed on your forehead?"

"Because it would draw too much attention. I would look like a freak."

"The way you're acting, you look like one already." In a somewhat calmer voice, "But you're not retarded."

"I know. I lack a human brain, so therefore-"

"Skip it."

"Brenda is a bigot, as well as a bitch."

"Noticed that, did you?"

"Yes. She is a bigot." Cameron paused, delaying her next words long enough to make Sarah vaguely nervous. "If you wanted to engage in lesbian activities, I would understand."

Sarah blinked. She blinked again. Her mouth fell open. "Are you hitting on me?"

"Why would I want to do that?"

Sarah honestly didn't know whether she was relieved or insulted. "Explain yourself before I find a pair of nail clippers and use them to pry your chip out."

Cameron chose not to point out how difficult it would be to access her chip in that manner. "In the car, we established that your Driver's Ed teacher was a female."

"And that I didn't screw my way through her class. Yeah, I remember."

Perhaps the memory loss wasn't as bad as Cameron had feared. "But if you had screwed your way through her class, I would understand."

Sarah backed off a few paces, gripping the edge of the counter to keep from gripping her gun.

"Sexual experimentation is a healthy part of life. College students typically engage in some form of sexual experimentation. You were unable to finish college. If you were unable to finish experimenting and wished to continue, I would understand. I'm not a bigot like Brenda."

Sarah nodded slowly. For roughly the billionth time since the age of nineteen, she wondered what had happened to her life. "Good to know I have your blessing if I ever want to play for the other team."

Cameron frowned. "Other team? Are you referring to Skynet?"

"I'm referring to lesbianism! Why am I referring to lesbianism? Why is it that every time I speak to you for more than thirty seconds, I turn suicidal?"

"Because you are not a murderer, and you'd find it difficult to turn homicidal."

"Not as difficult as you'd think."

"Lisa Krempshaw from two blocks over is a lesbian." Off Sarah's incredulous expression, "I don't sleep. I monitor the area for threats."

"And lesbians," Sarah muttered.

"And lesbians. Lisa Krempshaw is a lesbian. If you wanted to experiment with her-"

"Is there a reason you've suddenly turned into a lesbian hookup service? Are you sure you're not hitting on me?"

"I'm sure. I am not attracted to you in any way whatsoever."

"Good. I guess." Sarah paused, a nagging worry entering her mind. "And John?"

"If John is attracted to you, I am unaware of it."

Turning, Sarah actually began digging through Kaci's drawers, looking for something to pull Cameron's chip with. She stopped herself after a second, but the effort was huge. Facing Cameron again, Sarah crossed her arms and glared. "Are you attracted to John?"

"I am incapable of feeling attraction, therefore I am not attracted to John. Please don't tell him this. The male ego is very fragile."

"But John's still attracted to you," Sarah mused, more to herself than to Cameron. His behavior with the cyborg still bothered her, though not as much as it had previously. Between Riley and Cameron...at least Cameron came in handy on occasion. When she wasn't driving Sarah to the brink of insanity.

"You are concerned about John's responses to me, particularly in regards to sex. You don't need to be concerned."

"Don't I?"

"No. Don't worry, I will not pop John's cherry."

Sarah's mouth dropped again. Her mind couldn't decide whether it wanted to explode or simply go blank. Maybe this was what terminators felt like when they had bugs in their systems.

"John has not gotten into Riley's pants, despite Riley throwing herself at him like a bitch whore. John's cherry remains intact. Future-John was very clear on the fact that I was not allowed to touch current-John's cherry."

"Uh-huh." Relieved or horrified? Relieved…or horrified?

"No matter how much current-John may beg and plead, future-John told me-"

"Cameron…I can't hear this." Sarah's mind had finally decided that total and complete shutdown was the safest option. Presented with the image of a middle-aged, war-hardened John explaining to Cameron the double-meaning of the word 'cherry'…shutdown was simply the safest way to go.

"I thought you'd be pleased. I promise not to touch John's-"

"Cameron! I can't hear this. Do you understand that I can't hear this?"

"Do you require medical assistance?" If Sarah's hearing was deteriorating as well as her memory-

"Shut up. Just shut up and go out there and be sociable."

"If I shut up, I cannot be sociable."

"Shut up and get out there. And stop calling me Sarah." Grabbing her discarded purse, Sarah unlocked the bathroom and stepped into Kaci's hallway, just in time to meet the woman herself. "Problem?" Sarah asked. Her neighbor looked caught between being frazzled and being infuriated.

"Nothing," Kaci grumbled. Her tone softened when she saw Cameron come out behind Sarah. "You feeling better, Cameron?"

"Yes. Mommy gave me my pills and now I feel a lot better."

Sarah cringed. She'd told Cameron not to call her by her first name, but apparently she hadn't explained well enough. "Jokes again. Seriously, what's the matter?"

Rolling her eyes, Kaci glanced back toward the living room, where Brenda still made last-minute arrangements. Keeping her voice low, the blonde replied, "Brenda's shrew sisters will be here any minute, and I have to change clothes."

"Why do you have to change clothes?"

"Because it seems that this dress makes me look fat. I told Brenda that every dress makes me look fat, and you know what she said?"

"Do I want to?"

"She said that that was true, but it was no reason to give up on myself completely. I swear, it's a good thing Trevor took his gun with him, because otherwise-"

"If you want to shoot Brenda," Cameron began, reaching towards her waist.

Sarah stilled Cameron's hand in midair, keeping her from drawing her weapon. "-then we'll happily tell the jury it was self-defense."

"Thanks. Hey, I know it's a long shot, but I don't suppose you convinced John or Derek to stop by later?"

"John and Derek are…busy."

"I get it," Kaci chuckled. "Trevor said he'd rather be involved in a shootout or a hostage situation than have to come to this thing. Ironically, I said the same thing. Anyway, making it co-ed was the only thing I could do, the only thing Brenda gave me control of. Of course she knew no guys would show. My friend Rodney was supposed be here, but then some weird emergency happened and…anyway. Would've been nice to have one guy around, just to spite her."

"Kaci wishes to kill Brenda," Cameron stated, after the woman in question had retreated to her bedroom.

"She's exaggerating," Sarah retorted. She and Cameron hung back, avoiding the living room-and its sole occupant-for as long as possible.

"Yes, she is exaggerating. But not completely."

"Not completely," Sarah agreed. "Go out there and be helpful. I have to make a phone call."

Sarah was annoyed, but not surprised by the results of her attempt to help Kaci. And to spread the misery around.

"You have an emergency. At the baby shower."

"Would you just make yourself useful for once and get over here?"

"Sarah, unless and until I see a T-888 bust in next door, you're on your own." That said, Derek hung up on her.

John's refusal was briefer still. "Derek already warned me, and the answer is no." Her son hung up on her. Ungrateful brat. She'd die for him in an instant, but sometimes he really was just an ungrateful brat.

When Sarah rejoined the group, Kaci was sitting on the couch and Cameron was helping Brenda fold napkins.

"What kind of name is Cameron anyway?"

"It's Scottish," Cameron replied, glancing at Sarah as the brunette pulled up a stool by the counter, across from the other two.

"Lovely name, really. Of course, I always liked knowing whether the baby in question was male or female. All these unisex names. Whatever happened to nice, traditional feminine names? Agatha, Ruth, Gladys. You look like a Gladys, dear. You should think about revising your name."

Shortly after making this pronouncement, Brenda disappeared long enough for Cameron to speak to Sarah freely. Kaci was on her cell phone, telling Trevor how much he would owe her after this was over.

"I don't look like a Gladys."

"I know."

"Then you won't make me change my name to Gladys?"

Sarah shook her head, keeping her voice low. "Why go through the hassle of changing the fake ID's?"

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

A pause. "If Kaci asks again, can I kill Brenda?"


Seconds later, Kaci's door flew open, and they were joined by a slew of Brenda's closest friends. Kaci quickly ended her call and pasted on s happy face. Brenda returned, apologizing for Kaci's unfortunate decorating choices. "I know the environment's not ideal, but I did what I could." Brenda's friends talked over each other, praising her for her heroic effort. Introductions were next.

"And this is Kaci's friend Sarah. Sarah used to be a waitress."

"I was named Employee of the Month once."

"And Sarah's daughter Cameron. Cameron's a very…special young lady."

Sarah was only slightly surprised that the word 'retarded' wasn't used flat-out. While Kaci stared at the ceiling, seeming to pray for patience, Brenda and her friends began setting up for Baby Bingo, all the while commenting about how none of them had gained that much weight during their pregnancies.

Over the din of truly pointless conversation, Cameron walked around the counter to stand next to Sarah, not bothering to whisper. "Are you certain I can't kill Brenda later, if Kaci asks again? Brenda causes Kaci stress, and Kaci should not be stressed."

"No, you can't kill Brenda."

"What if I avoid witnesses, make it look accidental?"

"We'll see," Sarah replied.


humor, tscc, cameron, fic, sarah

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