Dec 28, 2007 14:31
I posted the following on my .plan, but just had to cross-post it here to save it for posterity (and because so many of you have fallen out of .plan-verse)...
had a dream about Jon Stewart last night. hubba hubba!
ridiculously, the dream did not involve me boning him, but did
involve me walking down the street, eating a slice of cake off
a china plate with a fork (sheah, right. like I could do that
without tripping and stabbing myself in the eye with the fork...)
and walking by Jon Stewart, who was walking the opposite way.
I exclaimed something along the lines of, "Of course, like the
fatty boom batty that I am, I'm shoving my face with cake on the
day I finally meet you." I also wished him luck in January (in
reality, Jon is going back on the air in January, for those
of you who missed it). said dream also involved me sitting at
a table with Patrick Dempsey, eating said cake (it was some
sort of delightful mango/orange confection not to be believed,
a lot like the orange cake with cream cheese frosting that they
used to serve at Prospect about once a month).
I'm not quite sure what this dream says about me, other than
that I love cake, and that, should I ever meet Jon Stewart, the
phrase "fatty boom batty" will likely come out of my mouth.
I am so ridiculous that I'm not quite sure what to do with myself.