Jul 04, 2008 17:49
Snagged from Rian. Feel free to reply if ya wanna.
01. Your ex is on the side of the road on fire. What do you do?
Find water and douse the flames. I hate her, but that's no reason she needs t' burn t' death.
02. Your best friend tells you she is pregnant. What is your reaction?
Well, considering my best friends are male, I'd be a bit shocked at first. But then I'd realize it'd be whatever girl they're with and give them a pat on the back and congratulate them. Then I'd tell them I'm not a babysitter... but they can crash on the couch should they need sleep one day.
03. When is the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face?
(PC-verse) When we arrested that asshole who pulled a fairy's wings out of her back. Wanted to strangle 'im.
(AU-verse) That jerk we arrested two days ago that threw a punch at me in interrogation. Would've left me with a black and blue eye if it'd landed.
04. Congratulations! You just had a son. What's his name?
*blushes a bit* Probably Nicolas Jr. But I'd want t' honor my father and name him Christopher in some way.
05. Congratulations! You just had a daughter. What's her name?
Eliza Marie Hart
06. What are you craving right now?
Barbeque. Ribs would be great, but just good homestyle barbeque would be great.
07. What was the last thing you cried about?
(PC-verse) When it sunk in that Theresa was alive again. That I had a chance for bein' happy...
(AU-verse) Really cried? At the intervention my friends gave t' me that make me check into rehab.
08. When you buy something and your change is a penny...do you keep it or tell them to keep the change?
I tell them t' keep it.
09. What color is your tissue box?
Uhm, I just buy what's on sale and put it in that silver case in the bathroom.
10. Do you have a ceiling fan in your room, and if so, is there dust on that fan?
Yes I do, and yeah, probably.
11. What is the last voice mail you received about?
Joe about the latest case we're workin' on. He's still waitin' on my paperwork.
12. Scariest thing you've experienced in the last year?
(PC-verse) Theresa comin' back t' life.
(AU-verse) Asking Aryn out on a date.
13. What do you order when you go to Taco Bell?
I avoid it. I know what real Mexican food tastes like, bein' from Texas.
14. Have you ever had a garage sale?
Never had enough stuff t' sell off, since I used t' live outta a suitcase fer so long. Besides, usually when I'm done with somethin' I donate it t' Goodwill if it's still any good.
15. What was the last alcoholic beverage you had?
Two years ago, before rehab, I don't remember when, and I don't wanna remember it.
16. Are you happy right now?
More than I have been in years.
17. Who came over last?
Uhm. Jules t' drop off a file I needed.
18. Do you miss anybody right now?
(PC-verse) Theresa. (Locked: God, I'm hopeless)
(AU-verse) That's passed? I still miss Theresa. That I have a chance of seeing again? Aryn. (Locked: God I'm hopeless)
19. Dark or light jeans?
Uhm... comfortable ones? Just as long as they fit and they're blue, I don't much care. I guess dark.
20. What was the last movie you watched at home?
The Patriot was airing the other day. Good movie.
21. What is in your pocket?
Usually, my wallet/badge and keys.
22. Where do you hurt?
My arm hurts, someone tried to slam me t' the floor the other day in a chase.
24. What is your favorite aisle at Wal-Mart?
Electronics, although I don't go t' Wal-Mart much.
25. When is your birthday?
February 16
26. What are you going to do after this?
Work. Tempted t' call someone and see if they wanna go to the park and watch fireworks but I dunno if she'd be up t' it.
27. What is your favorite dessert?
28. Do you have the same name as one of your relatives?
My father's middle name was Nicolas. My mother's father was named Vincent.
29. Is someone plotting your demise?
I'd hope not, but as a cop I realize some people might have it against me 'cause of that reason alone.
30. Has anyone ever mistaken you for a family member?
Yes. My relatives (when I saw them) told me I look a lot like my father at that age.
31. Does someone like you right now?
God, I hope they do.
32. Do you know anyone in jail/prison?
Plenty. I helped put them there.
33. Do you like the color green?
Indeed I do.
34. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
I would hope so... but they might be too busy to.
open rp