Dec 19, 2005 22:22
Well, worked at Old Navy for the first time today in a long time and it went very well. I don't think a lot of the older people like me... My manager said that I know what I am doing and stuff and they should ask me if they had any questions and stuff and so I was telling them where to put things and so forth and they were quite rude to me but other than that, there were people excited to have me back. I'm going to have a good two months with Old Navy. Plus I get those great discounts.
After Old Navy, I visited Kathryn at Brooks, and then we decided to hang out afterwards. I came home, did some reading, then went to WalMart with Kathryn to pick up a few things, saw some former classmates, eneded up taking more than an hour at Walmart, then we went out to eat at Chilis and then went to the mall and then went to Fitchburg State College to see Amy. Now I am back here getting ready to read and go to bed...
Work 9-5 again tomorrow, then going to Burlington to get a few things for my mom, then back to Leominster to watch my brother play basketball at 7:30, then back home around 9:30ish, which I will prolly read after and go to bed... I have to work the day after that as well...
Busy week, but it should be fun... Moira is coming home tomorrow!!! I will try to see her if I can... I need a haircut really badly but couldn't go today cause it was crowded, not tomorrow cause I have no time, can't Wednesday because I will be working all day, maybe Thursday, hopefully by Friday...
Well, leave me comments!