todays day!

Aug 02, 2004 23:22

Today was pretty boring! my sister got to go to underground ATL and the coke museum or w/e while i sat on my butt and watched tv all day! That really sucked! But wait the day got better!!! At 3:00 i had to leave for NOHS practice at rocky branch elementary! FOR CHRIST SAKE DO THEY TRY TO KILL THE KIDS OF HEAT EXAUSTION IN PE?? IT WAS SOOOOO HOT IN THERE! come to think of it, it may have been cuz i was in there............jk, i definatly doubt that one! And now that we're on a subject, can a person really make a room hot?? anywayz so i was in that hot gym for 2 hours, then i came home and once again sat on my butt and watched tv, then my mom came home and i ate one of those microwavable meals for dinner, and right when i finished my ant called me to see if i wanted any zaxbys for dinner! i was like oooooo great!! my day cant get any better now! not! well i said what the heck and ordered it anyways, and when she got home, i of course ate it, and still to this minute feel quite enlargened around the middle! ( is enlargened a word?) so yeah then we dicided to go to walmart at 10:00! and seriously i had to get out of my house, so i went and it was SOOOOOOO FUN!! yup i bought candy and lipgloss and face cleanin stuff, and concealor and more candy and well, more candy! haha! it was great! so yeah, here i sit, still excited about goin to walmart earlier! oh yeah and i found this stuff on somones profile that i dont even know but i thought it was funny so i'll put it on here!

(its like things she doesn't like i think)

1. Moody People~ u know who u are. i admit im guilty of this occasionally but at least female mood swings are a legitimate medical condition. You guys have no excuse.

2. Those Skanks at Wal-Mart~ i mean COME ON...i cant go to wal-mart on a thursday night without rubbing elbows with every county-school weirdo in town...dont they have some inbreeding to do or something?

3. Lesbian Porn Popups~ if there's one then there's always 10,000 more. I AM NOT A LESBIAN!! HOW DO THEY SOMEHOW IMBED THEMSELVES INTO MY COMPUTER?! i have yet to see a hetero porn popup.

4. Fat Women in Halter Tops~ halter tops are not made for women with DD cups. I obviously do not have DD cups. I can wear halter tops. you cant. :-P

5. Unibrows~ pluck, wax, nair, shave...whatever. you cant honestly tell me that you dont notice it...its like a freaking ferret laying accross your forehead. FIX IT!!

6. Unloading the dishwasher~ i can only think of ONE thing that appeals to me less than unloading the dishwasher...and that is loading the dishwasher (or having my eyelashes burned off. now THAT would suck)

7. These phrases/words~"...ok, uh huh, alright, k, ...yeah, ...sure" (basically anything with three dots before it..that sounds condescending.)

8. Parental Excuses~I'm sorry...why is it that the only time we have "family night" is when I already have plans?? BULLSHIT.

9. Fairweather Friends~ "Hi...havent spoken to you in a year or so! how are you? oh, you'd like a buck fifty? TOUGH." either you're with me or you're not.

10. Stalkers~ if you think i'm hot...then talk to me. dont stare at me and follow me around the store until i leave. that's creepy. if you're reasonably attractive...then i'll consider.

11. People who Pick Fights with me~ do these people honestly think they will win?! muahaha. their feeble minds are no match for my acidic sarcasm.

12. People who write crappy yearbook messages~ "youre the sweetest--never change" i get it. youve told me every year since we were six, and guess what...IVE CHANGED!! Oh, and when people write just one word in there. like ..ohidontknow.."Bye." Jackass.

13. Studying hard--and making 70s on the tests~ its a new concept for me. what am i doing wrong? i'll tell you: NOTHING. the world is in a conspiracy against me so therefore i will never win.

14. People with Holier-than-thou attitudes~ I'm sure you're really grounded in your faith and that's AWESOME. so am I. the difference: I don't badger people who are ALREADY SAVED. what's the point, i ask you?!?!

15. Parents who say I "Dont appreciate/respect them"~ WRONG. if i didnt respect you, i wouldnt come home at night. i would be out doing drugs and having obscene amounts of group sex. i respect you. trust me.

16. Fluorescent lights and white walls~ its all in the conspiracy. the sole purpose of C-building is to make me look like an orange-faced clown in the mornings.

17. Coughing~ especially the type that gets worse when you try to control it and eventually milk comes out your nose. that really sucks.

18. People who wear all black~ if its simply because you like the color, then i can maybe waive my judgement. but if you're trying to make an anti-life statement, then BITE ME. because YOU are the stereotypical ones...not me.

19. People who are NEVER happy~ i laugh constantly. sometimes over something that happened earlier. somtimes over a joke i heard last weekend that just now makes sense. sometimes for no apparent reason. w/e. it keeps me smiling.:-)

20. Annoying People~ no i dont care about your new conditioner and your ugly thrift store clothes. just because i have every class with you does not mean we are tight. it just means that you copied my schedule. unlucky me :-(

21. People who accuse me of being promiscuous~ what do you care? i'm not giving you any! not only that, but its frankly none of your business what i've done and who with. so bite me. no wait. bite yourself.

22. People who dont wave back~ "i didnt see you" my foot. i see how it is. at least give me a head nod or an eyebrow raise. something.

23. Misunderstandings~ maybe i said something offensive...SO WHAT?? get over it already. lets not dwell on it for weeks to come. it makes you sound like a lazy whiner. and nobody likes those.

24. People who only call when i'm in the shower...and then say things like "can i join you?"~ you think you're so smooth, right? No. you are not the only clever guy who came up with that slick line. ive heard them all.

25. Christmas songs when it's not Christmastime~ If you're smart, you won't be coming around singing Jingle Bells unless it's freaking December. You think I'm kidding. We'll see who's laughing when I stomp your foot into the ground.

Great huh? hahah!
ok well i'm done!
ttyl luv ya
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