hey now.. the warrior game was totally awesome! I had a great time!! I got to see everyone i know from last year at oc, and i haven't seen any of them since the end of last year and it was great stuff! A lot of huggin goin on lol! LAUREN HAS A BF NOW!! yay! they're so cute together b/c they're like the perfect match! I'm so happy for her! yeah well it rained last night, like absolutely poured, and we had to run to the car, and it was really awesome and we were soaked and you could see through my shirt, which wasn't awesome lol, but we still had fun!("we" being me kimbo and lauren) n e ways, it rocked and now i'm bored cuz i have to go to that kickoff thing today, and i definatly dont want to but after it i get to go to kristas hotdog thing! haha! yup yup! awesome stuff!
call the cell if ya need me later!
luv ya
Nicole L Hoag, Your ideal job is a Brain Surgeon.