Title: Promises, promises
Author: Nicke
Pairing: Rodney/Carson
Kink: sort of, PDA (?)
Categories: picfic, ER, episode related, humour, sillyfic, AU
Rating: PG-13 (mild references to gay sex)
Summary: Rodney made a promise to Carson - and really kept it...
Spoilers: Duet (03x04)
Word count: 500
lover100 # 003 Writer's Choice
Disclaimer: The smut is
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Comments 9
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I just could not resist when I saw these pics from "behind the scenes"... *g* It only fed my picture of kinky!McBeck. *points at icon*
And really, I always wondered, how they nevernevernever talked about that later.
Made me wonder: either they did that before. Well, the making out (not so much the in public part, though, who knows what kinks Rodney has...). Or they got ideas and started doing it then. On a regular basis - and more... *whistles innocently*
One wonders how many *takes* they needed to get it *just* right.
Like: "Oups, sorry, my fault, let's try it again..."
And they clearly don't look as if they hated doing the kissing. Or they're better actors than we all think... Yeah, and then the "Oh, we've just been acting, and we only did it because we've been persuaded. We didn't ask for it and it wasn't our choice, but what the heck, we're being paid for it so we *theatrical sigh* just had to..." *snerk* Sure. *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*
What an awesome interpretation of the episode, honestly.
:] The graphics make my mind turn into a puddle of mcbeck-fan goo.
Great work.
Hilarious. XD
Awesome fic! Now I need to watch Duet again.
Thank you very much for the feedback! I was away over the holidays and haven't been able to reply earlier.
Hmmmm, nice icon you have. Very, very nice... *sigh*
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