Podfic end-of-year wrap up

Jan 04, 2012 13:18

I'm so far behind on LJ, it's not even funny. A belated happy holiday/end of year/winter season to everyone, and belated happy birthday wishes to brynspikess, colls, and fishpatrol!

I just finished up the family obligation portion of my winter break, and I have the rest of this week and all of next week before the Spring semester starts. Time to catch up with fandom. I have fics to read, podfics to listen to, recs to write, and a bunch of comments to leave. I also have two comms to work on, several podfics to record, and some other podfic/fandom-related posts to make.

I'll start things off with a podfic end-of-year wrap-up. I've seen a couple other people do this - I think it started with paraka? Anyway...

Stats: 30 podfics recorded, 7 hours. That's all but six of the podfics I've recorded, ever.

5 Fringe
3.5 Supernatural (one was a crossover w/ Doctor Who)
2.5 Doctor Who (see above!)
2 Star Trex XI
2 Battlestar Galactica
1 each in Being Human (BBC), Brick, The City & The City (China Mieville), Cyteen (C.J. Cherryh), Firefly, Fright Night (2011), Ginger Snaps, SG1, SGA, Star Trek TNG, and Twin Peaks.

This count includes 1 collaboration (Time And Relative Perspectives In Space, w/ weimar27, cantarina1, and moragmacpherson for pod_together).

What was the best podfic you made this year? I'm not sure. I think it's a toss up between Wolf Like Me and Let It Snow. I like both a lot, but I think Wolf Like Me is probably technically the better recording. There were a couple (small) rough edits in Let It Snow that I couldn't fix without re-recording more than I was willing to. I'm really proud of both, though!

Most popular? Let It Snow, easily. Evidently if I want more downloads, I should record more Kirk/Spock. :D

Most under appreciated? always, division. I love The City & The City and I really love this fic. I'm proud of what I did with it, but perhaps the canon is a little too obscure?

Personal favorite, for whatever reason? The Empty Vessel. I love the story, I like my recording of it, and I really enjoy the context of how it came to be.

Most difficult to make? Time And Relative Perspectives In Space required me to read pretty far outside my normal comfort zone, so maybe that? Alternately, The 80/20 Theory As Applied To Cats On The Bed had me searching through html humor sites to explain a visual joke before I just asked the author and found out it was linguistics humor. Which I still had to figure out how to read out loud. So yeah, maybe that.

Most "ah ha ha I can't believe I'm doing this"? Call This A Love Song. A Doctor Who-Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock mashup. Silly and lovely and so much fun.

Most fun to make? Time And Relative Perspectives In Space. It was my first collaboration, and I had a blast.

Was there one that didn't turn out the way you wanted? Don't Tell. I can't even really put my finger on why - I just felt I could have done it better.

Biggest learning experience? Not one specific podfic, but two different fests. In 2011 I recorded several short podfics for The Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology, and several more for A Peck On The Lips at podfic_project. Awesome Ladies opened my perspective to reading podfic in small fandoms, which is now kind of a passion of mine. It also helped guide my interest in furthering woman-centered work in fandom. When cantarina1 invited me to join her as co-mod of podfic_project, I jumped at the chance. I helped organize A Peck On The Lips, and I'm really looking forward to doing more with podfic_project in 2012.

What's next? Do you have any podfic goals for next year? Yes! 1) Doing more with podfic_project. 2) Finally getting smallfandompods off the ground. 3) Recording one of my leviathan (100k + word) podfics for podficbigbang, and the other by the end of the year! Also, 4) commenting and reccing a whole lot more, and 5) getting a handle on making podbook cover art.

Podfic Things I'm Proud Of Lurking less. I came out of lurkdom in early 2010 and started recording podfic that March, but only recorded six podfics that year and barely interacted with anyone. I still have to fight the urge to lurk, but in the last year I've made a lot of great friends in the podfic community, both here and on twitter. I'm excited to step up my game and be more active in 2012.

Oh, also, I finally put all my podfic up on AO3. So, that's there now, if you're interested.

podfic, meme, empty promises

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