(no subject)

Oct 28, 2011 11:28

I've noticed something about myself. When things are minimally stressful at school, I'm moderately active in fandom. I post new podfic, I read new fic, I comment on other people's posts. When things are moderately stressful at school, I drop off the face of the Internet. No posts, no comments, no reading, no nothing. Then, when things are extremely stressful at school, I can't stfu. I'm all, what's up, fandom? OH HAI, TWITTER!

Case in point, this post right here. I have a crushing amount of schoolwork to do this weekend, and all I want to do is talk fandom.

I need to focus on my coursework in November. I probably will be around Twitter (for stress relief, if nothing else), but I'm going to try hard not to indulge myself with LJ. I'm doing really well this semester, but I still have four three two one no! 4-10 page papers, four three two one no! exams, two one no (!!!) 50 minute presentations, one no! poster presentation, and one no!!!!! 40 page clinical competency exam (case presentation paper, complete w/ additional 18-20 pages of session transcripts) (which turned into 50 pages of presentation paper & 33 pages of transcript, and oh my god I'm so glad it's over) due by the end of the semester.

(I'm listing them all here so I can come back and cross things off. Which yeah, I know, defeats the whole No-LJ thing, but my rationale is that visiting LJ will be a reward for completing each item. Makes sense, right? Right?)

Okay, seriously, Nickel. Woman up and get to work.

ETA: Holy fuck, y'all! I'm done! (Yeah, until next semester, I know. But I'm not thinking about that right now. I'm done!!!)

rl: school, this is what i'm paying for, social life? what social life?

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