
Jun 04, 2011 10:34

I came back from Wiscon with a monster head cold lurking in my system. It started with some muscle stiffness on Wednesday, escalated into sinus congestion on Thursday, and then yesterday it blossomed into total body exhaustion, aching muscles in my back and neck, and of course the requisite sore throat and snot. I woke up with a fever this morning, so I called off of work, which I hate doing. Of course this is also the weekend my in-laws are in town.

I feel like the walking dead. I have to wonder if I am, in fact, Patient Zero in the zombie apocalypse. It's not that far fetched - I walked down the hall from the living room to the bedroom twenty minutes ago, and realized that I was doing both the shuffle and the moan of the classic undead.

The upside? Instead of traipsing around Hyde Park today with my in-laws (which I was supposed to do after work), I'm lying in an air conditioned room with my cats watching episodes of SGA on Netflix. Not the worst way to start the zombie apocalypse, I suppose.

wiscon, rl:oh family

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