(no subject)

May 10, 2008 22:08

So. Still no news on whether Tony will be offered a job at the place here in Bismarck that he had two interviews at. I think they're just being jerks and not doing a follow-up call to let him know that they chose someone else. Oh well, such is life. He's applied at a bunch of other places in the Bismarck-Mandan area, and he's got all summer to find a job, so I'm not worried in the least to be honest. I had a full two months off before I was offered a job.
On the upside, Tony has decided to move up here next Sunday (the 18th)! I'm headed home next weekend for my cousin's wedding, and he's going to follow me back to Bismarck. It'll be so wonderful to have him here - my only worry is that he'll be bored a lot, but I'm sure he'll find plenty to do to stay busy 'til he's offered a job.
In the meantime, I've been doing some cleaning this weekend, because even though this place seemed pretty large when I moved in, I've managed to find plenty of stuff to fill it up. Now that Tony is moving in, I've got to weed out the things I don't need so there will be some space for his things - I've already managed to clean out half of the bathroom drawer and counter space - tomorrow I plan to conquer my closet and dresser...joy. As far as I know, everything should work out fine with the property manager - I contacted them about adding another person to my lease, and they said that my rent won't increase, and the person will just need to fill out an application.
I'm still undecided about whether I want to move to a different place - I know I was absolutely certain that I wanted to move once my lease was up here, but if Tony doesn't mind living here, and things work out with parking and such, then it might be in our best interest to save money and just stay here. We wouldn't have to worry about moving, and we'd have really cheap rent - currently I'm paying $425/mo., and I think it's only going to go up to $450 for the next year. Most places are in the range of $525-$650/mo. If we're going to be looking into buying a house and getting married eventually, then it might be for the best if instead of sinking that hundred dollars into rent every month, we put it into savings... I think I'm going to give Tony the job of looking into other places to see if we can find one in a better neighborhood for a decent price - I need to let my property manager know if I'm going to be moving out two months before my lease is up, so I need to contact them by May 31st. That will give Tony two weeks to check into it for me. Yay for having Tony here!
Anyway, I'm rambling again, so I'd best be off - ta ta!
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