A culmination of all things pissing me off lately...
- Camries - ALL you bitches need to learn how to drive. I haven't been stuck behind one that doesn't FAIL at life yet. Elaine and Greg Lim don't count haha.
- Yaris..es? (Yarii?) - why do all of you feel the need to race me, I will always win bitch.
- That one blue Lexus ISF - SUCK IT! why drive a nice car when you can't maneuver it.
- That other black Lexus SUV that aggressively weaves through traffic EVERY MORNING - you're dumb and you fail at driving aggressively hahaha; yes I am laughing at you because you always get stuck behind a big truck :)
- The Newark transit train thing - I hate you.
- Union Pacific train - I hate you more.
- paper cuts - =X
- My house rennovation project - No kitchen = no food = sad and hungry Nicole
- Mission college - I hope you go to hell and get closed down. Shameless educational institutions like you are an embarrassment
- Ricers at De Anza - really?! why the fuck do you have to speed up to 45 in the parking lot only to hit a stop sign in 150 feet? DUMBASSES.
- Spain - for taking away Nick.
- San Diego - for taking away Matt Vu
I'm just kidding, they don't really piss me off that much, except for everything relating to driving because all drivers here SUCK. But to counterbalance my hatred, here are things I'm happy about...
- Being able to hang out with Christian and Andrew almost every other day. I shall call them the douchebag duo from now on
- Jogging with Michelle in the mornings...and the breakfast parties that follow
- Teaching John Duong how to drive...he picked good friends to learn from (Elaine and I will make you PRO; Justin will teach you...the legal side of things)
- Seeing Matt Wong randomly
- Justin and his aunt making BOMB food all the time
- Khanh is home too...I'm sure we'll do random stuff soon.
- My new mp3 player; fuck the ipod AND the iphone. It can dial numbers for my phone, it has the bubble wrap popping game...
- Noodle and Calvin - cutest dogs on the face of the earth. Not to mention the smartest, most well behaved, and cleanest.
- Independence Day and birthday fun coming up!
Naptime, bye.
R.I.P. MJ; you were a strange one, but that doesn't compare to your influence on pop music. Rest peacefully.