(no subject)

Apr 11, 2006 01:29

Time for an update.

Saturday or Sunday I picked Steph up from some bus station in hartford and spent about forty minutes talking to some sketchy guy named Max, he asked for some change and then told me his life story. Apparently he grew up just down the road from me in South Windsor where his parents still live. He told me about how him and his friends used to have keggers in the woods. He actually described to me where and I know exactly what hes talking about, down by the tracks out in some sand pits where jerks ride their dirt bikes now. He told me about how he got ticketed in Hartford for walking across a parking lot. He said alot of other stuff too but people tend to keep talking when you fein intrest. I worked my first day shift at the crap hole which I have about a week left in. Saturday or Sunday night chilled with Aj Matt and George at Ajs'. George managed to melt alot of candel wax all over his pants. So we microwaved his pants for ten minutes and all that did was make them soggy and damp. So then he put his pants in the oven and I guess that made them dry again. Good times. Playing Mario Kart while very tired and very slightly buzzed makes for some good hilarity. But now I get to the best day in the past few days. Today I picked up a few more than 300 golfballs from some guy in SW. Then me and Aj proceeded to the top of the bird sactuary and smashed more than 3/4 of the balls into the surrounding woods and field. Then we teased Ajs' sisters goat, she freaked out and it was funny because Ajs' mother always takes his side when he argues with Girl Aj. Well here are some pictures from today that sums up my awesome Monday. Ill have some video on my myspace even though its a really horrible website and I feel like a stastic for having one but you know what Blow me.
Some of the pictures below did not resize correctly so view them if your brave.

The hill from where we parked

Me standing on top of the hill

The club and bat we used

A drum we burned two or so weekends ago

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