Feb 04, 2006 09:38
Wow I'm falling off the bandwagon like everyone else on LJ lately......but it's SATURDAY and so I have time! =)
I've been to Keith's twice since I last wrote to ride---and this week I rode for probably 3 and a half hours total. Every muscle in my core is sore! I hold myself really still when I ride apparently, and I was working on stops and I got to spin too, and I got super dizzy. I rode Ken's paint, Macho, and he felt like a hunter-jumper horse with all his suspension, especially at the lope. I liked him. I did my first spin on him (my first spin at Keith's anyway) and then I rode a little cutting horse mare that just wanted to run flat-out. She was really really athletic! Then after I worked for a few hours, Keith asked me if I wanted to ride another one (um, yeah!!) and told me to get Booger, who is 7 or 8 and is the most advanced reiner at the barn. I've heard legends about him from Jake and the team girls. He's really frikkin' cool! He's lazy--you have to bump him with your legs with each stride pretty much to keep him together at the lope, but he spins like a bloody top. Khi and Ken--"I'll let you sober up for a minute, then I'll tell you how to do it and not get so dizzy." I got to work on stops with him too--just taking your legs off his side equals him sitting down in the dirt. Doing the same at a standstill equals head down and a backup. He's so cool! I had a great time--I am so excited about learning this stuff. =)
Classes are going well--except for Ag Econ, which is the most boring class in existence. Lactation is ok, Classics is super, and French is magnifique! I'm loving it--part of my own independent studying involves watching movies with the French language track--it's awesome! I watched Troy earlier this week, and it was awesome. Menelaus to Helen after beating the snot out of Paris--"Tu m'as laisser pour un ass!" (You left me for an ass!) I went to an extra credit film festival movie on Monday called Bon Voyage and it was hilarious! I recommend it.
In other news........um.......well.......oh, rodeo is moving along slowly...I wish more people would do what they need to do. I feel like it's always the same ten people who are actually working and it's frustrating. *sigh* Oh well.
My search for an economical Western saddle continues.....
OK well I'm going to clean my room--it desperately needs it.