I stopped reading Neil Gaiman's blog because he keeps posting really wide pictures, and I found it annoying.
But to every fan who feels betrayed by the writer(s) of whatever it is they're a fan of, they should read this post.
In other news, I'm turning back into someone I like. Life continues to be more and more confusing, but I find that I am more and more difficult to confuse. Thus my personal level of confusion remains constant, despite working out all kinds of useful things about what's going on in my life.
Next item on the self-improvement agenda is 'going back to sport'. This may or may not be ballroom dancing. I like learning new things, and have my eye on a potential shiny new sport that has a lot of ingredients that I like, although I may just be kidding myself, and am probably too old to take up a contact sport (that doesn't have age divisions). We'll see.