Nov 06, 2004 14:36
La di da. I'm sitting in my newly revitalized room. It's not actually revitalized that much. I took everything off my closet doors because it was all old, like 8th grade. Then I moved my two lovely Charlie Brown posters from my wall onto the doors. It looks cleaner.
I want to make a big collage to put where the posters used to be. I have one that I made in 7th grade, and I want to make an updated one. One more thing I need to buy, a frame for the the collage. I have no money. I need new things though. My cell phone cover is broken and I want a new red one. Also, I really want a new purse and I need another pair of jeans. I miss the good old days when I always had money. I wish my summer job hadn't sucked. It's not like I can have one during school. I'd rather have time to get good grades so I can therefore go to a good college and get a good job and have money for my entire life. That just seems more important.
Thursday was my birthday. It wasn't super exciting. TJ got me a pretty necklace though and I was happy. Yesterday I went out to dinner for my birthday at Nectar and it was tasty. I'm not sure what I'm doing for the rest of today. Right now, I'm going to go run errands and be forced to spend money, grr.