Signs of Indian Summer

Nov 15, 2008 12:12

I hate it when we go back to PST. The days are getting shorter as it is, and on top of that we remove an hour from our evenings? What gives! So, for a week or two in November, I can't yet be excited about the Holidays (which are lucky enough to include my birthday). All I can think about is how dark and cold it is. Well, in L.A. we have a fifth season between Summer and Autumn which I've come to refer to as 'Estio'. Hot wind blows west from the desert, and for this weekend, it's going to be in the low to mid 90ºs in The Valley. This semi-seasonably warm temperature comes at a high price; lower than already low average humidity, high winds and hot temperatures set stuff on fire! Given that many people lost their homes and mansions and more will before Monday morning, I think it'd be the apogee of ingratitude to not enjoy it. While y'all back east chill, I'm going to go ride my bike to the Getty and look at a virtual exhibit of Rembrandts in SoCal, and see the smoldering from afar.
Also, I find it ironic that in SoCal at least, wildfires are one of the few vicissitudes that don't affect my rung of the social ladder. They're generally a problem of the well-to-do. If you can look out your door and see gorgeous views of wooded landscapes/potential fuel between sparsely populated homes, odds are you live on a multi-million dollar property and enjoy a consistently higher quality of life than the rest of us in the concrete jungle who mostly have to worry about what the combustion will do to our air quality. Case in point; Orpah Winfrey recently lost a home in SB county.
Anyways, I'll show y'all the pictures of mid November in L.A. from above when I return, and make you the right combination of jealous and glad you don't live here.

no baseball, summer, no bulls

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