Another awesome thing about spring is spring cleaning. It's cool to dust and catalog things. In the vein of cataloging, I like this
After cataloging my library, i was surprised that it wasn't any bigger. I thought I was more well read. Of course a lot of that could be that I am an avid patron of my libraries. There's a cool thing about living in L.A. The library resources. the
LAPL Is well funded, and well run. Like most libraries, they will look stuff up for you. Unlike most libraries it has 72 branches, plus a magnificent central office downtown. And if any book you are looking for is too far away to drive (as can be the case in an expansive desert) they will bring the book to your nearest branch within a day, maybe two.
And if for some reason, I can't find the article or book I want in the LAPL, I also am served by many other municipalities in the area. I have library cards in
Los Angeles Public LIbrary
Burbank Public Library (the best ones to study)
Glendale Public Library
Santa Monica Public Library
San Bernardino Public Library
Montebello Public Library
Yep, I'd have to drive quite a ways from home before I was too far away to borrow a book to read.