So it appears I've neglected to post anything here in over a year. I guess that's indicative of the state of my out-of-town friendships. Neither party really bothers.
If anyone's curious what I've been up to:
Oh Sanders, or "The little five-piece that could":
Our EP, as you can see from the club marquee, is out, and we're starting to plan the follow-up full-length. Some of us have big plans for this one.
During UF's spring break (where three of us are still enrolled) we'll be embarking on a short tour of the south-east. So far appearances are scheduled for Athens and Jacksonville, with a possible trip to Austin, and more dates yet to be confirmed.
The picture you see was taken the night of our memorable headlining performance at The Atlantic, possibly the most sought-after venue in town.
The Binary Forest Faux Pas,
led by guitarist Greg Pishko (the bearded fellow kneeling at the bottom of the frame) is our outlet for all our musical ideas that just don't fit into our other projects, with results that range from "dirty, gritty" to "fucked-up", and occasionally, in guitarist Josh Tucker's words, "fucking retarded". Greg is aided by three of us from Oh Sanders, plus drummer Chuck Smyth, better known as the frontman for Jacksonville legends The Cadets.
A full-length album, All I See is Numbers, is underway, and will be released whenever we finally finish the goddamn thing.
In addition to the band, Greg presides over our label, School Glue Records (where I wear the dual hats of producer and A&R guy), and is a Ph.D. student and research fellow in Mechanical Engineering.
Additionally, I'm preparing a sampler CD consisting of new recordings from various prominent Gainesville bands, to be released as a benefit for Gainesville Pet Rescue. I anticipate releasing it in August.
I guess I'm on a blazer kick. I now have five of them: A navy blue one for cold weather, a sky blue cotton one for cooler weather, a white one that looks a little strange, a sort of bronze-colored wool/silk one, and a vintage blue velvet (my favorite).
Today my friend Daniel saw me talking to a hippie. The hippie told me not to be sad. I didn't think I was being sad, but the hippie claimed to be a shaman, so I'll assume he knows what he's talking about.