Dyslexia: + The long underlying factor in dyslexia is an inefficient working memory ( - used to hold new information in the mind before discarding or transfering it into long-term memory)
+ It is neurologically based, often familial disorder which interferes with the acquisition and processing of language
+ Dyslexics have difficulties in receptive & expressive language in reading, writing, spelling handwriting & sometimes arithmetic
+ It is either inherited or neurolodically determined
+ The right side of the brain is bigger then non-dyslexics
+ It impacts mainly on the inderviduals verbal and writen communications (as well as organization, planning and adaptation to change)
+ There is a big weakness in phonological processing & rely on visual codes
+ Dyslexia is not a result of lack of motivation, sensory opportunities or any other limiting conditions.
Facts:- equal numbers of males and females are dyslexic
- people with dyslexia do not all have the same characteristics as eachother
- there are al least 3 subtypes of dyslexia that have been identified
- dyslexia my be mild, moderate or severe
- there is a strong genetic factor in dyslexia (a 30-50% chance of a parent or sibling being dyslexic if you are)
- dyslexics are typically of average or above average intelligence
- many
famous businessmen, scientists, actors, artists, architects and writers are dyslexic
- the right hemisphere of the brain is more developed (then a non-dyslexic) so dyslexics perform better with tasks that user the right side of the brain
- dyslexics process language in a diffrent part of the brain to non-dyslexics
- the brains of dyslexics work 5 times harder then the brains of non-dyslexics when doing the same task
- the core difficulties of dyslexics lie in the processing of visual symbols and short-term memory
Any questions anyone has about it please just ask me, i am learning so much in class!