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Feb 13, 2006 23:57

-I've had Jon visit here in Tennessee from Chicago in hopes of getting him on his feet with a job, selling him my beat up car, and getting him his GED (finally). However, things have not worked out as I've had to bite my tongue many times on just how lazy he is. The bastard had the balls to bring down some pot with him.

So, to remedy this, I've made proper arrangements to get his old job back working for my brother Andy at the cafe and to (hopefully) still sell him the car once he actually has money (yeah, right...). I'm taking him up there Wednesday when I actually have eight hours to devote to driving him back to Missouri. It's entirely depressing to think that I never have that much time for sleep!

-Red Lobster is getting its old annoying charm back just as before. My hands look like mincemeat once again with the burns and cuts like always. Valentine's Day is tomorrow, so things will certainly be fun with a guaranteed four hour wait out the door.

-We haven't been doing much on the funeral team. It seems as though not as many people are dying, which is good, but it's a little too slow. I am never one to wish for death, but more work would be better than this uncertainty.

-Red Lobster is asking for more and more hours from me. They will never match my pay with the military, and I do believe that excuse is pissing them off quite a bit. "I'm sorry, sir, but this is just a part time job for me. I'd have to get a 300% raise to beat with what I make doing funeral duty." They certainly didn't like that, and tomorrow is no exception. I'm sure I'll be getting a phone call about 0900 asking me to come in and lend a hand. "We're short on people to work on the line! Can you help us?"

-Big officer banquet coming up on the 24th and 25th. I didn't receive much information on it, but as I understand it's some sort of thing with this organization called the National Guard Association of Tennessee. They are a lobbyist group which works to get better benefits for us National Guardsmen, which is a good thing. That Friday is supposed to be a dinner hosted by Major General Hargett, complete with politics, bullshitting, and overall fraternization with other officers on a professional level. After that, Saturday is supposed to have a handful of speakers to talk to us, followed in the evening with a big formal with dress blues, a live band, and ballroom dancing. It should be a blast... However...

My dilemma is that I have no fine young lady to escort to this whole ordeal. I asked a couple decent people from work, then a couple I knew from school, and further with a few other friends I knew from around here. Boyfriends, work, school, and lack of interest seemed to be the sum of their excuses, all of which I found rather irritating. It's the last thing I want to be doing with my time requested off is to sit by myself with no date. It's a military ball! Who doesn't want to get dressed up and go mingle with a bunch of (successful?) men and women who are in uniform?

My guess is that the National Guard is either A) a joke to them or B) unable to be comprehended in that some are far too ignorant of its existence. Either way, I find it insulting that I have to resort to asking one of my Wentworth buddies to fly down from Kansas City just to be at this damn banquet for two days. No, no, others would rather spend their Friday night drinking at the bar and doing the same old crap as they do every weekend. It's insulting at best.

-Finally managed to hang out a bit with that girl from work that kinda looks like Svetla (Jessica). Low and behold, I found that another co-worker of mine is somewhat of a "special friend" of hers which she isn't "officially dating" but continues to consort with. The only part I don't understand is that she puts up with him getting entirely too drunk all the time and then gets even more angry that he smokes pot when he's trying to get work with law enforcement. It's irritating in that I cannot help but ask who the hell this guy thinks he is to treat her like crap like that when they go out - maybe it's the sex...

-I'm beginning to understand that my professionalism doesn't allow me to exactly "fit in" with this crowd I work with. I suppose the best way to put it is these are high school kids without supervision. Meanwhile, even with my standards at an extreme lax by way of the military, I am still far too rigid to really blend in with the rest of the crowd. "Why do you call the manager 'sir?'" I've tried really hard to go and have drinks with them on Friday nights after we're all off, but they all seem to think I'm too "white collar." If it were the military, I would be playing the role of the manager, not being some guy scrubbing the floors.

It is a hard transition, and it didn't make matters much better when I came in to get my paycheck while in uniform. There was this jackass who is a lower enlisted reservist straight out of basic and AIT who snapped to attention when I came by - in work attire, mind you. Later on that night I had to work, but he was acting completely different around me since finding out that I'm an officer. "I knew you were in the Army, sir, but I have no idea you were an O-1..." That raised a bunch of questions and overall creeped people out. "Why does he keep calling you 'lieutenant' and 'sir?'" My God! You people don't understand anything!

-I'll have to see how this banquet deal works out, but I look forward to the day I leave my job once again to pursue better interests than being a mindless kitchen employee. If only I were at MIOBC...

-I know Crystal is made of steel, but I do hope she didn't actually do any real damage. It is surprising what people can get away with, but that doesn't sound all that fun to fall with your gear on. Then again, I did drop 50 feet off a pulley into a lake at LDAC. I did try calling her, but her phone has been off a lot lately - this and she's been logged off AIM for about a week or so. I'd just like to hear from her...

Time for study! Criminal Evidence and Procedure test tomorrow morning! Yes!
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