Finally! It came! After two weeks of waiting around, my birthday present that I ordered finally came in from New York! I got a call from the shop about 1000 when we were getting ready to wrap up a funeral, and I had no idea what I was in for. There it was, sitting on the counter, still wrapped in its Fed-Ex box. I filled out some paperwork, did some fingerprints, and began unwrapping. When I got the last of the bubble-paper off, I felt about six years old in my sheer amazement and awe... Just charging the damn thing felt like a challenge in itself. "Yes sir, it's a biggin'... Definitely not something for the ladies..." I'd say...
I went home, got my roommate, and grabbed a few things from the house. "Dude, you're not going to believe this..." We went immediately to the indoor range across town. There were a couple of folks there, and my roommate rented a .45 and bought a box of bullets to shoot along with my new present. As I loaded up a magazine, I heard Jason popping off rounds in the next lane. I figured I'd give him a little surprise with my handcannon.
"Bang-bang-bang-bang" I locked and loaded. "Bang-bang" Squeezed the trigger. "Bang-bang-BOOM!" It felt like the very air around me just shimmered in the wake of the muzzle flash of this mammoth handgun. Jason dropped his pistol down and looked over at me. "Holy shit! I thought your fucking gun exploded!" Wow! I emptied the magazine at the target downrange, every round feeling like it's ready to yank my pistol out of my hands. YES!
I let Jason load a couple bullets - he shot it but once. "Dude, that is incredible... But I don't want to do that again..." By this time half the people already in there firing had stopped to see what all the racket was about. They were picking up the shells in amazement. "What is that? It's huge!" I'd never been happier with such a ridiculously overpowered tool of destruction...
I was in a state of sublime for the whole ride back home. "Jason, did you see that? Wow..." "Dude, you're officially nuts - but I like it." Yes! When I got home to clean my pistol, it looked surprisingly similar in mechanics to that of an M-16 - something you don't usually see everyday in your average pistol. I am officially impressed. "That's one sexy piece of weaponry you got there, chief..." Damn straight... I love my Desert Eagle...
Here's a picture my roommate snapped while I was cleaning: (Yes, I'm trying to grow a mustache...)
Wow... I say again, wow... Totally awesome day today...
Well, that was until Jason's ex-wife came in. I went to class, but came back to find them having make-up sex. After taking him out for an awesome time earlier, that guy turns around and completely drops the ball by getting back together with that woman after all the crazy stuff they'd done to one another. I can't forget the screaming phone calls or all the random women he'd bring home to prove his bachelorhood. I'm confused...
Nonetheless, I'm still very happy I got my birthday present in. I can't let other's relationship conflicts screw up the happier moments of my days...