(no subject)

Sep 08, 2005 00:01

well im lookin for a job still i have to good ones in mind that i would like to do ones in scottsdale and ones down the road yeaa

alex is coming for 2 weeks in october and will be at my house for one of those weeks hehe

and then i have been playin guitar like a mad man with my spraned wrist haha you it really hurts hahaha

im pimpin it again like old times hehe yay being single rocks i forgot how good it was lol i go out with like 3 gurls everytime i go out and yea its awsome
but this weekend i cant go to scottsdale casue me and my mom are going to the peircing shop and getting some shit done im probly gonna get my lip done hehe fucking finaly i got a new bar for my toung and it feels alot better now hehe

this is the tattoo im gonna get on my back once i get enough money for it lol its gonna be big hahahhaha
p.s. I made this haha so dont steal it or i will kill you

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