Sep 18, 2004 23:30
Just a quick update since it's late here. Molly is asleep- as much as we want to cuddle tonight, it's too risky (more on that in a minute).
Things here are going alright. Molly arrived Monday night around 11:10pm, having had a fairly good flight. We didn't get home til around 1am but spent the majority of the night together (til about 4:30/5am).
Tuesday my mum and I took her to an old village near here to see some old houses and old-school shops, and took her to her first pub for her first legal drink (she only turned 21 on the 5th and hadn't been for a drink). Took a romantic bikeride that evening, looking at the village I live in and around the schools and then to the mill. Saw the sun go down together, which was cute- I always wanted to do that.
That night we decided that, since nobody had popped in to check on us on Monday night, we'd sleep together the whole night. Had a romantic time cuddling and all, but she felt dehydrated/feverish after a while. So, I went to get us both a big pitcher of water, and we ended up falling asleep together. In the morning my dad checked on my room (I guess maybe to offer us a lift to the train station?) and saw I wasn't there...ended up getting a call from my mum saying he's stormed out to work and was PISSED at me. Molly and I were due to go to my university that morning anyway, which meant I was out of dad's way for a few days.
Had a great time at my university house. Wednesday we went out for a meal in town together with some friends of mine, as one of them is moving to NY soon and the girls wanted to pray for me about my shorthand situation. Thursday I did the exam and the news is...I PASSED!!! Took long enough but I passed. Gave Molly a scare though- I asked her to come along to the university but to use the computers, see my friends or grab something to eat until the exam was over. I got out, met Molly and she asked how it'd gone. Put on a sad face and said "i gots some bad news for ya- they said I'll have to come back to uni to sort things out..." Of course, she was sad for me, until I told her "...I PASSED!!" lol we couldn't stop smiling. As a result of passing, we decided to celebrate on Friday with a trip to a themepark and we had a blast. The place was deserted because of the kids being in school, so all the rides were a 5 minute or less line. Went on the rides we wanted to go on and then took a boat over to the farm there to see the baby goats and other cute animals.
All in all it'd been a romantic time so far. She says she's really enjoying herself- she must be, as she's told me she'd like to move in with me here after I graduate.
All is going good =)