Why I can't stand one-night stands

May 10, 2004 21:37

Ok wasn't that a song or album? Anywhoo my subject is not exactly that relevant, but in a way it is. It feels like getting this work done is like a long, bad, slog with something I don't want to be involved in. So...I guess hence the title? Goodness knows, I'm too tired to think right now. Which is why, for now at least, I'm leaving things workwise. Might be for tonight, might be for a few hours, I'll have to see how I feel, but right now I can't do much more in terms of logical thought.

Put it this way- My DTP is done (thought it had to be handed in tomorrow, and I'm tempted to hand it in as is, although I've been told that my group have til wednesday). I'll print it out, see how it looks, if it's ok then I'll hand it in tomorrow. For the sake of a few marks at best, it'll be one thing off my mind.

Essay wise I'm good, I guess maybe halfway through the argument, what with the intro and conclusion? I need to take a break from that, give it some thought, so I'll look at the structure plan again later and see what I can do. 1,000 words...wish it wasn't so constrained.

Dissertation proposal should go fine. Can't believe I'm proposing the damn thing-time has really gone quick. Though, that said, I will be glad when my future is more certain.

I hadn't mentioned before, and I ought to have... I have made a promise to myself to pray much more regularly. It was brought up as a general thing in church the other week and really got to me. Prayer for me has done so much yet I dont make the time like I should. It seems to be benefitting me lately and that surely is a good thing.

Things with the girlie are going well and hopefully we will talk tonight. Not sure but as far as I know, nothing else is planned with her.

Please, please...passport, arrive. And soon. We've been waiting too long for her to be able to visit.

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