My Top Ten of 2006

Feb 05, 2007 23:12

I have seen all the movies i wanted to from last year except Letters From Iwo Jima and Pans Labyrinth, so i feel i could make my list now.

1.The Departed-I loved this movie. I never was a fan of Goodfellas or Casino so i wasnt thinking i would like it alot. But it rocked. Im a big fan of everybody who was part of this movie. It just had everything.

2.Children of Men-This is what movies are all about. When i go to the movies i want to be sucked into the enviroment and boy was i during this flick. The way the director showed the future was amazing and again a A+ cast delivered.

3.The Last Kiss-Out of all the movies on this list I proable will be watching this one for years to come more than any other. It is a movie that i think lots of young men can relate to.

4.V for Vendetta-I never read the comic that this movie is based off of and i proable never will which is a good thing because most people says the comic is better. I cant believe that since this is such a damn good movie.

5.Miami Vice-I went into this movie expecting something totally diffrent then what i got. But what i got was a great movie and after seeing it i wouldnt want this movie any other way.

6.Grizzly Man-In my opinon this is the best documentary of all time. Timothy Treadwell is one of the craziest people to be put on earth but even when i was watching this i would wish sometimes i would have done what he did.

7.Casino Royale-James Bond rocked in this movie. Im glad they brought the franchise back the way they did. This is the first Bond movie in awhile that made me excited to see the next one once the credits rolled.

8.Cars-Man i love Pixar.

9.The Break Up-Vince Vaughn proved he could actually do some really serious acting. I liked the fights and the ending of this movie it felt very real actually.

10.Apocalypto-Its a 2 hour chase scene with a good story. Mel Gibson can direct a damn good film.
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