alone we stand, together we fall apart

Dec 01, 2004 20:46

i sit once again in food reading emails, browsing over websites, reading livejournal and knowing i should be working to reduce the heavy load all ready on my shoulders at home. i write this quote in fear of the dragon walking in and finding me not working. constant glances over my should reveal my fear of her presence. i shrug of the comments and ushering of the chubby yet almsot harmless chav sitting next to me, 'when are you going to get your hair cut tom (note how he does not even use the 'h' i refer in my name)'. Continual lminimisation and clicking onto prevouis work makes sure he will not read my journal. every nw and then a necessary 'Season flour with salt and pepper,
Dice chicken into 3x3x3 cm cubes' ior a phrase of such content is added to the work of my food tech class - a class laden with chaves ready to mock my image or personality. 'do you have a girl yet' the chav (jake) placed next to me asks, 'nope' i say and query ' do you?'. his reply is mumbled and takes time in coming 'yeah' (i believe him) he mumbles and follwoed by an impressive 'unfortunately'.
how queer kate in that in your livejournal i find more similarities. especially in that number one i feel really shit. i jsut cant do anyhting right. all i can do is upset people and myself - im so confused tired and stressed at the mintue. i hate myself - is this depression or tiredness - is there a difference - deos one spur ont eh other? so many questions so little time.
secondly kate i also note that i have recently given salad spoons as a present.
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