Home for the week (update)

May 31, 2008 10:54

So I've decided to go home to Lawton for the week. Reason 1) My mother is going to New Zealand for a month on Tuesday. So I have to see her before she leaves. Reason 2) Bitchslicer is going to be playing at a crappy bar there on Thursday, http://www.bitchslicer.com/. Some of their music is pretty good. A lot of it is very bad. Let's hope they realize these things an dI get to hear what I like. Drag My Own Coffin to Hell is pretty amazing. I used to listen to it to pump myself up for stuff. It's on their 2nd album, "Cum Inside." I know, they're really terrible people.

I'll let everyone know how it goes. A week at home is no picnic for me.


Well, my dad and I saw my mom off and haven't heard from her since. I'm sure she's having a blast on the other side of the planet without us. The Bitchslicer show was ok. It was very short though, lame. The bar it was at was a Class A shit-hole, as I expected it would be.

I made it out just in time. I saw almost everyone I wanted to, and then a lot of my family too. Could have gone much worse.
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