How did I not know until four PM that at that time it was actually five PM because daylight saving's ended?
Tell me I'm an idiot and I'll believe you.
Only don't, because then I would have to hold that against you and I don't feel like extending the effort of doing so.
Goin' to Europe! I've got a countdown going and everything.
[Due to 83728403483277892739 people and their grandma commenting on this journal, I have been forced to put a disclaimer with each entry. It will look like such:
[...]. So please. If you see this link, click on it, read the info, and try to absorb what you read. I am not really Nick Swisher, I do not know him, the chances are 3248783420398 to 1 that I will ever even meet him, so PLEASE do not comment with "OMG SWISH I'M LYKE SUCH A HUGE FAN OMG WILL U MARRY ME?!?!?!?!!!!!!1" and the like. This is a game, played solely for the purpose of entertaining me and my sick friends.
I don't mind if you comment signed in with an LJ name, just as long as you are mature about it. I don't mind you commenting, as long as you adhere to the rules of the RPing game and act as if this really is Swish, when in fact it is not. Also, do NOT comment anonymously or I will somehow find you and yell in your face until you (a) erase the comment, or (b) cry like a bitch and promise never to comment anonymously again. Thank you.]