4-day weekend

May 30, 2005 05:24

here's my memorial day weekend. if anyone cares............

there was like 25+ people at the playground at hiteon. everybody was there...jenny, mark, vishal, sarah, grace, brian, katie, brittney, nicole, daniel, monica, me, ben, mandy and to top it off, my dog AKA the pimp. it was fun and went to like nighttime.

i didn't do much, hung out and rented the blair witch project and house of flying daggers which was weird. and BWP didn't scare me at all, made me laugh though, and everytime someone said something it always had at least 3 uses of f--k...like

"we're f--king lost in the f--king forest you f--king son of a bitch! f--k! f--king forest!" you get it

maybe the most boring day.  so nothing really happened

we spent a hour and a half driving to wine country! and i sat in the car the entire time because of the legal limit age to drink, i could'nt get near the winery! what fun!

hung out in the mourning and went to the mall to hang out, then helped dad with the garden. i'm not looking forward to classes tomorrow because...

WILLIS-stupid scene that must die and burn to the flames of hell
SWANSON-some stupid graphic thing
MATH- nothing but i hate math, i never look forward to it
DRAWING- it's ok, but some really messed up and confusing project we have to do for the next weeks
SCIENCE-  i gotta choose a physics project and work by myself with a powerpoint and talk for 10 freaking minutes and work on that all week

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