inside me a lunatic sings

Oct 15, 2008 11:35

Smothered i think is a good way to describe how i feel recently, just smothered by my own thoughts and expectations of myself. Life is moving fast and slow at the same time. My schedule is pretty thick and I'm trying, well i AM going to the gym during the free time that I do have. It feels good. I'm also smoking weed during my free time, so that probably makes it a bit more cloudy..oh well

School is uninspiring as always. But I'm being inspired by other things at least. I'm stuck trying to think of a name for my website and electronic music projects ( two seperate things?) These things i continue to be productive with but not really productive enough. I guess my school/work shcedule i have to blame

watched Froggeting Sarah Marshall last night... kinda ridiculous, sorta funny, but it just made me want to jump off a high rock into a pristine ocean and make out with a really hot girl. Yeah. Reality. No, seriously it could happen.... in a McWorld maybe.

I think we could all benefit from comparing our present lives to our past moments a lot less... I screwed up a couple very potential relationships with girls, and maybe not even relationships, but just possibilities, and I'll think back and it'll sting for a second then i'll realize that I'm a much better person than I was back then its all good. It is what it is.
Hello patience, we're all waiting on you
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