TITLE: Secrets Kept, Secrets Shared
FANDOM: Donald Strachey Mysteries (Movie 'verse)
CHARACTERS: Donald Strachey, Timothy Callahan, Bub Bailey
PROMPT Donald Strachey Mysteries (movie) Donald/Timmy Don loses his wedding ring.
WORDS: 2,750
NOTES: This is fo
smallfandomfest. Mucho thanks t
tarlanx or pointing me to the group earlier this week. When I read the prompt, the entire story unfolded in my head. Also, mucho thanks fo
storyfan or the incredible prompt!
WARNINGS: NOT BETAED. Also, very brief mention of a criminal element who drugs and robs his victims.
SUMMARY: Donald loses his wedding ring on a case and comes home to tell Timothy. But Timothy has a secret he's not sure he can keep anymore.
Fic is located over in the smallfandomfest community.