(no subject)

Feb 26, 2005 18:17

1) Using band names, spell out your name:
N- Nestle
I- Igloo
K- Kay Jewlers
K- Kirklands
I- In flames
2) Have you ever had a song written about you? yes
3) What song makes you cry? Worlds Apart
4) What song makes you happy? Ryan Cabrera- True


a p p e a r a n c e

x. HEIGHT: 5'8''
x. HAIR COLOR: Brown w/ blonde hughlights
x. SKIN COLOR: White
x. EYE COLOR: Hazel (they dont make up their mind!)
x. PIERCINGS: 5 .... few more to come!
x. TATTOOS: none but want one or two (not big ones just small ones)

r i g h t n o w

x. WHAT YOU WEARING?: o'neil shirt, jeans, my black and red converses
x. WHAT SONG ARE YOU LISTENING TO?: Mike Jones- Still Tippin (for pandas sake!)
x. WHAT TASTE IS IN YOUR MOUTH?: i still taste muh subway sandwhich from earlier
x. WHAT'S THE WEATHER LIKE?: its comfortable right now, it will get chilly though
x. HOW ARE YOU?: here, kinda sleepy, drained.... but i am fine
x. GET MOTION SICKNESS?: nope not unless i am sick to begin with
x. HAVE A BAD HABIT?: um burping randomly?? i donno... o well also over using the word sorry
x. GET ALONG WITH YOUR PARENTS?: dad yeah.... mom we are cool but easiled annoyed with each other
x. LIKE TO DRIVE?: hmm yeah when i wanna cruise but when i have to go somewhere then no

x. GIRLFRIEND?: i have friends who are girls...but no i dont fly that way
x. BOYFRIEND?: yes and i love him very much
x. SEXUALITY?: the way God intended. ( i agree with steve)
x. ADJECTIVE?: chubby
x. CHILDREN?: nope
x. BEEN HURT?: yes
x. YOUR GREATEST REGRET?: running away from some of my fears when i had an oppertunity to fix them
x. GONE OUT WITH A SOMEONE YOU ONLY KNEW FOR THREE DAYS?: umm nope i dont think so...umm nope

r a n d o m

x. DO YOU HAVE A JOB?: Yes. cashier with muh moms buisness
x. YOUR CD PLAYER HAS IN IT RIGHT NOW?: me and pandas mix
x. WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY?: family, friends, humor, playing sports, be loved on, seeing the very person i miss the most right now
x. WHAT'S THE NEXT CD YOU'RE GONNA GET?: umm i have no idea....

Seven things in your room:
1. futon=no sex bed
2. james dean poster
3. "i capture the castle"
4. T.v.
5. butterfly chair
6. pom poms
7. all my favorite martini glasses

Seven things to do before death:
1. get married- is the first one def.
2. have kids
3. work for disney in some way
4. go to newzeland
5. go on a cruise
6. write a novel that is respected
7. publish- SiTs

Seven things that attract you to the opposite sex:
1. personality
2. smiling
3. sense of humor
4. eyes
5. respectful
6. sesitive- when its called for i dont need a break down boy... i have enough emotions to take care of us both!
7. free spirited

Top seven things you say most:
1. sorry
2. hey
3. well you know
4. aw
5. like
6. umm
7. so

Do You:
Smoke?: no
Do drugs?: no
Read the newspaper?: yup lil fact mist people dont know i read it every day
Pray?: yup...duh

Have you ever:
Been in love?: yes but its not been its i am in love...right now
Gone skinny dipping?: yes
Had a medical emergency?: yes broke muh foot and torn rotator cup in shoulder
Had surgery?: yes...tonstles taken out
Swam in the dark? yep
Been to a Bonfire: yep
Got Drunk: yup
Ran away from home?: attemped when i was younger then i got scared as soon as i tried to leave
Played strip poker?: *freezes......nervously looks round*
Gotten beaten up?: nope im so tuff GIRRRR loll jus playn but no i havent
Beaten someone up?: nope...but i will b4 muh lifes over and i am predicting it will be in association with someone panda knows someday
Been on stage?: yes
Slept outdoors?: yup
Pulled an all nighter?: yeah all the time
If yes, what is your record?: i duno... never kept track!
Made out with a stranger?: umm nope...but one has kissed me (not a ral kiss tounge and all just a peck) at the beach
Been on radio/tv?: yes
Been in a mosh-pit?: oh ya
Been to a party: yes
Gotten lost in the woods: yes... it was dark...i dont like the dark either
Been in an Undertow: yes
Smoked a Cigar: heck no
Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?: yup
Describe your first kiss: um well i regret the person it was with... but at the time it was just one of those feeling you cant put your finger on.... it was wonderful though

About You
Three words that sum you up: crahazy, outrageous, caring (in words of panda)
Wallet: license... if i knew where it was.... money...change...well um my wallet is muh agenda also so yeah i got muh organizer and muh planner plus all that other stuff like that belongs in a agenda...
Coffee: yes...would die without it sometimes
Shoes: skate shoes....and converses
Cologne/Perfume: beyond paradise by estee lauder...i ran out of it though...i need more..but too broke right now to get it

this weekend have you....:
Cried: yes
Bought something: yes
Gotten sick: not toss cookies sick...just headach
Sang: yeah all the time...right now for example
Been kissed: no...i wish i could but muh baby is way aways....but one week exactly till i see him!!!!
Felt stupid: yeah....
Wanted to tell someone you love them, but didn’t: yes, i do tell justin all the time but i would love to say it but i dont want to over say it and wear it out....if that makes sense....maybe...or maybe not....does in my head though
Talked to an ex: nope, but someone saw him and called me just to tell me that tonight
Talked to someone you have a crush on: no....i talked to the person i am madly in love with
Had a serious talk: yeh
Missed someone: yes....like right now...no matter who i hang out with or what i do i cant get him off my mine
Hugged someone: yesh, i live off hugs....
Argued with a parent(s): yup...i do every now and then, its just bickerments....

Social Life:
Boyfriend/girlfriend: yes....hes the bestest boyfriend in the world and i will never ever change him in for anything else in the world...he means way to much to me.... gosh i really miss him....
Would you rather be with friends or on a date: date...with justin
Attend Church: yes
Like being around people: yeah i do when they arent being negative or talking bout someone....

Thing you ate: cookie dough! yummmm
Thing you drank: sweet tea...justin youre rubbing off on me...
Place you went: wal-mart
Person you kissed: justin :-D <3 hehe
Person you talked to: on the phone it was justin... in life panda
Person you IMed: msn would be justin <3
Song you heard: you're so cute when you scream
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