Aug 18, 2006 13:18
I don't know why I'm having such a delayed reaction to the fashion trends of the current decade, but holy crap are they bad. I was roaming through facebook and all I saw were pictures of guys in polos with a fucking upside down visor and girls in mini skirts with boots. I do realize that in every generation people where things just for the sake of wearing them, rather than for their actual purposes, but this is just ridiculous. Visors are the dumbest looking things in the existance of the world, made for the sole purpose of protecting your eyes from the sun WHILE GOLFING. Putting it on backwards and upside down not only does nothing to protect your eyes, but makes you look even dumber than when you were wearing it WHILE GOLFING. Now, for mini skirts and boots, I've made that rant plenty of times, so, enough said. It's idiotic. Hot sometimes, but always idiotic. Now I won't go away without bashing myself though. I had flashbacks to 8th grade at Carrigan Middle School. I would wear the baggiest pants in the world and had my chain wallet. Yet when summer came around I would wear the same thing I always wear and will probably always wear, shorts and a t-shirt. So this all brings me to a conclusion of why people dress the way they do. Attention. Even WHILE GOLFING. Had to finish up the rule of three. I used to dress like a fucking spaz because I wanted to fit in and get some attention. Unfortunately that is still a problem with many a people today. Ugh.