Mar 21, 2006 10:34
I just finished doing some more ludicrous homework for my ever pointless costume class. I'm now sitting around waiting to go to the extrememly boring Theatre History class. I love theatre and everything, but I'd rather be doing it than sitting in a room hearing two very not so great teachers discuss nonsensical things having to do with it. It shall all be over soon enough, next semester will hopefully be full of more enjoyable classes. Not that this semester doesn't have enjoyable classes, I mean, Mr. Rossi sure makes makeup class fun, and philosophy with Dr. Luzitano is enjoyable.
But those things need not matter. In 9 days my sweet sweet Kingdom Hearts II comes out. When this fateful day is reached nobody will see or hear from me for at least 3 weeks. For I shall be in my cave playing the game until my eyes bleed and my tongue falls out(mummy style bitches). Also Slither comes into theatres next Friday, and that's going to be fucking awesome city. Nathan Fillion is the new Bruce Campbell. He's funny as hell and a great horror/sci-fi hero. Well I must be heading to class now...TTFN sluts.