Book review: Pride of Baghdad

Jan 17, 2007 21:08

This isn't the first time I've mentioned the prolific Brian K. Vaughan, deservedly the latest superstar comics writer and creator of Y: The Last Man, Ex Machina and Runaways. His latest is the graphic novel Pride of Baghdad with art by Niko Henrichon. The true story of a pride of lions who escaped Baghdad Zoo during the bombing of Iraq in 2003, Vaughan imagines the events from the lions' point of view.

Essentially this is a simple, straightforward story with, unsurprisingly, elements of allegory about the Iraq War. The overall theme is freedom, and whether it means anything unless it's earnt. The lions, made prisoners by the keepers, maintain a certain loyalty towards them regardless, and while the American bombs are what knock the zoo walls down and free them, will it really be best for them in the end? For me, while it made for some interesting moments, this angle never really gelled entirely and the strongest element is the simple family story as the characterisation and gorgeous art really make you feel for the animals. The art also has a visceral quality as the bombs continue to go off throughout the story - a scene of a giraffe's head exploding isn't one I'll forget in a hurry. Overall it's far from being Vaughan's best work, but thanks to Henrichon it may well be the best-looking.


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