Gratuitous nudity: You're doing it wrong

Nov 26, 2008 19:47

And since I'm having a go at Hollyoaks today, I may as well have a go at Hollyoaks Later, its "adult" (trans: Josh says "fuck") spin-off. Specifically the long-awaited (by me at least) Naked Niall scene. That it was going to be rear-only was inevitable. That it might be a very quick flash was a risk we had to take. But that it would be shot from roughly a mile away, with the camera pointing directly into the sun, so you couldn't even really see who it was, let alone get too excited? Sort yourselves out, Hollyoaks! OK, so it was suitably gratuitous (Niall was having a bit of a wash in the lake, which is fair enough, except nobody told the continuity monkeys and next time we saw him he was still filthy.) But it's no good knowing that the crew got an eyeful if they're not going to share with the audience. I had to replay the scene several times just to make sure it actually was Niall. The fact that I'd also have done that if the shot was crystal-clear is neither here nor there.


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