whats new(past news) in the world of me?

Nov 16, 2006 11:49

the radio show this week was pretty awesome despite its shortened length due to classes
instead of 2 hours we got 50 minutes
we gave away a bunch more tickets: OK Go, Silverstein, and Life...something
its wild finding out people in Jackson are listening to me
i love giving tickets away

im thinking of pushing for a politcal tv show
except i don't know what im talking about
we're gonna try and grab one next year for radio since the current one is 100% conservative aka fair and balanced
sure (hopefully)ours may seem radically left, but in essense, its all bullshit

im hopefully getting a Wii for Christmas

some band called Hand Me Down Buick is coming to M2Live. excited isn't really the word i'd use. more like...the opposite...

haha at the meetings yesterday Alyx and Rick were excited to announce an addition to the Hawk TV Boy(me) promos. they come out and ask everyone to come out at 8pm to shoot them and have fun,
except they never asked me if i could make it, which may seem kinda important, but apparently it's not.
i couldn't do it
me and Ruden were gonna go to asbury lanes, which we've said we were gonna do two days ago.
i suppose it's cool to schedule me the day of to go do shit without..you know...telling me

maybe its not a big deal, i am there all the time.
just very silly practice to not ask the talent to do something that you schedule them to do anyway.

and thats about that.... nothing much since my last post
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