Shaken up, just a bit...

May 08, 2009 00:48

This Thursday was probably the weirdest day in several years. I gotta tell you about it.

So I didn't have my normal Tech report writing class this morning, so I had a bit of time to sleep. Before going to class today, however, we got a phone call that would change the entire complection of this day. Mom gets off the phone and comes running into my room telling me that we're going to Philadelphia so Krista and I can get a retinagram to insure we have a certain eye condition which may have clinical trials starting soon for its remedy. Uh, rattling, much? She wants me to see so bad, and the truth is, I'm scared of it, scared of relearning everything I know about senses. So she says that because of this news, if we go, she'd buy Krista and I both Netbooks, knowing I have wanted one for a while, though had no intention of actually asking. We shook on the deal, and I won't ever forget just standing there, hugging my mother as she was crying due to the sheer happyness of the fact that after 25 long years, she has some hope. Of coarse, I know disappointment, so I did try to talk her down some, though I don't think I was very successful.

School was as usual, so I come home, and she says point blank that we'd order it tonight. I had already picked one of them out, the Asus EeePC1000HE, which is the only NC10 killer in existance, yes I know about Glenn's quality controll concerns, but I figured that, especially if we buy from a brick and morter store, we'd be fine. It just so happens, Best Buy carrys them. So, Dad and I go out, Dad hems and haws (He did an internet test and saw it load pages very slow, and was worried that might be a problem with the Netbook), but after running the same test on a Dell Inspiron mini 10 and watching it cough and die, he decided, with a bit of trepedation , to go with the Asus. Dad has something of a dislike for Asus after a disaster with one of their motherboards, a dislike I share with the exception of their netbooks...9 hours of battery life speaks for itself. What became of Krista's netbook? She decided, yet again, not to allow us to buy her one, just as she did when we were going to buy one for her for Christmas. Reasoning? She wants to wait until her shitty Systemax laptop breaks. I can see freakyfwoof cringing right now.

The Netbook is sitting on the shelves next to my bed, JAWS installed and ready for use/more configuring. It does, however, have a name. When my heart was set on a Samsung NC10, I figured that Joey would be a good name for a Netbook, after Islander goalie Joey Macdonald. however, I have my doubts as to whether he'll be on the team next year, and the last time I named a notebook after a sports figure, he sucked the next year...My original school provided laptop, which I called Guillermo, after former Mets pitcher Guillermo Mota. I decided since I have Martijn the Desktop, Khan the server, and that I'm about to cancel an old server called Den Adel, that I would christen my netbook along the same lines. The machine is called Simone. It shall be interesting to take Simone out on the road with me when we head for Phillie in a few weeks, I'll keep you posted.

Tune in tonight, as it's now Friday, at 7 for the Digital Domain Online Radio show, then reverendbigdawg filling in for katiroth at 9 PM, then trek_west with the one Way Roundabout, request edition at 11.

solyndra would be greatful if I reminded her, and you guys as well, that my seven hour super Rock Radio Redefined, will start at 12 PM eastern Tomorrow (Saturday), that's 18:00 Netherlands.

Enough with the plugs, enough with the pointlessness. Let's close the lid on this ol' entry.
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