new work and crazy sunlight

May 17, 2007 08:21

when i first moved here everyone told me, "you won't sleep very much as soon as summer hits." they were right. as soon as i finished school and spring/summer was officially here, there was no way that i was going to be inside as long as it was still light out. last night we didn't even leave to go climbing till 7pm and didn't get on the rock till 8ish. we still got in a ton of climbing since we didn't even start taking off our gear till 11:10pm. and we didn't decide to stop climbing because it was getting dark; a moose had wondered into the area that we were climbing and didn't feel like leaving. that meant that we had to leave.

the other night we didn't leave to go play disc golf till after 10.

this place is nuts with light. we have to officially shut the drapes to get to sleep. i got home last night and didn't need to turn on any lights in the house because all the drapes were still open. craziness.

so yesterday was my first day of training for my new job. i'm not sure if i've posted about this before, but i'll tell you anyways. i got a job at a company called Alaska Children's Services. the company takes in all kinds of kids from all over alaska that are "disturbed." i don't like that term, but that is the medical classification they have to have to end up there. it is basically the last chance for the kids to straighten out in life. before getting there they have to have exausted every other resource the state has to offer. a large percentage of the kids end up in prison after ACS, but a large majority get turned around and become successful in their lives.

they have two main programs: the on-site living facilities and the program that i will be working with. i will be picking the kids up at home or at school and then taking them out and just hanging out with them. most of the kids that i will be working with were already at the campus and have been released to go back and live at home or with foster parents (most with foster parents). they have worked with staff and whatnot to deal with their issues and i am there to just kind of reenforce what they have learned or continue the process. i'm really looking forward to it.

last week i spent every night in the rock gym with my friend mark and he and i stripped all the walls of the gym of all it's holds. then we washed all the holds and are now putting them back up. it was a long and tedious process, but should be worth it. it's like starting with a clean slate now.

i've neglected my reading lately; i just don't seem to have a free second to pick up a book. that makes me a little sad, but oh well... i'd rather be climbing. music that i've really been into lately is the Silversun Pickups. Beni check it out.

well... i'm off to get myself fingerprinted and then to more training.
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