[Drabble] Things will never be the same again

Sep 24, 2009 08:34

TITLE: Things will never be the same again
AUTHOR: nicis_anatomy
SUMMARY: Some changes in life are good, some aren’t. Sometimes they are both. - for challenge #156 'Change' at ncisdrabble100
NOTE: Written for ami_ven, because I know she likes Tim and because she was such a big help.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own these characters, nor am I making any money from them. If I would Season 5 would have ended different.

"People always say that change is a good thing,
but what it really means is that something
that you didn't want to happen, has happened."
(You've got mail)


Sometimes change was good.
Sometimes change meant that something that you didn't want to happen, has happened.
The changes in Tim’s life were somehow both. Too many things had changed; some for the better, some would haunt him forever.

He had maybe killed a man.
Tony had assured him he would get over it eventually, but Tim knew this would always be something he would burden himself with.

He had maybe killed a man.
But everyone had done everything to help him clear his name.
Tony had spent a night with him, and although that sounded wrong in so many ways Tim felt that this was a good thing. That night had changed something.
Ziva had tried everything to find the needle in a haystack almost as large as Virginia, but she hadn’t given up.
Abby had also done everything she could. She had believed in science, and even she couldn’t say for sure which bullet had ended the cop’s life, she had been there for him.
Ducky and Jimmy had done their usual work to help solving the case- only much harder than usual.
Gibbs and the director had fought their own fights; with each other, with Metro Police; Gibbs even with his own pride, when he had somehow apologized for letting him down.
The whole team had rallied behind him, like they had a few weeks earlier when Tony had been framed, and it had made Tim finally an equal part of the team.

He would always be Probie, which could be seen as a bad thing.
But he no longer was on probation, which was good.
He had maybe killed a man, which definitely was a bad thing.
But he wasn’t alone anymore. He was part of a team, and that was the best thing of all.

- The End -

fandom: ncis, ncis: tim mcgee, community: ncisdrabble100, fanart: drabble

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