Prompt table for 24_times | Complete

Aug 11, 2009 19:50

Okay, my muse is getting lazy again - or it's just the stress and the stuff that happened here at the moment, but I need something to keep her here.
Best thing to do it? Challenge her!. She - like me - works better under pressure (I hope), so here is the pressure:

24 stories focused on Jenny (what else *g*), following the Table One at 24_times.
This entry will be the master list. I will link every new story to this table until I'm done with all of them.
Keep your fingers crossed that I will succeed.


01. The first time.
02. The best time.
03. The worst time.
04. The last time.

05. Time flies.
06. Time changes.
07. Time heals.
08. Time stops.

09. Timing is everything.
10. Remember the good times.
11. At times like this.
12. The time was right.

13. Time is an illusion.
It was time to go.
15. Time waits for no man.
16. It was time to forgive.

17. Day time.
18. Night time.
19. Next time.
20. Every time.

21. About time.
22. Extra time.
23. In time.
24. Out of time.

24/24 (February, 18 2010)
43,063 words in total / 1795 words average

fandom: ncis, ncis: jenny shepard, community: 24_times, fanart: drabble, fanart: prompt table, fanart: fanfiction

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