[Prompt table] 12 Multifandom stories

Apr 30, 2010 12:31

Okay, here we go again ... I hadn't planned on doing another prompt table so soon. There are still a lot of prompts at ncisdrabble100 I haven't used, yet. But ... well, I was going through my watch list last night and remembered I had 12_stories on it, and I always wanted to do a multifandom claim. So, why not this one? It's only 12 stories and no deadline.
So, I thought, why not. And after some planing and thinking, I decided to claim this table for
* NCIS: General Series (2/2)
* Crossing Jordan: General Series (0/2)
* Lost: General Series (1/2)
* Lost: Juliet Burke (1/2)
* Doctor Who (2005): General Series (1/2)
* The West Wing: C.J. Cregg (2/2)

12 stories, 6 claims = 2 stories for each claim. Now I have to decide which prompts I will use for which fandom ;)

( Follow the fake cut)

fandom: ncis, fandom: doctor who, fandom: lost, fandom: the west wing, community: 12_stories, fanart: prompt table

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