[Prompt table] NCIS - general series | Complete

Mar 15, 2010 17:04

Since ncisdaily didn't work out for me, I was looking for something else that could challenge me (for a while) and keep my muse with me.
After some thinking I decided to make a claim at drabble123. My challenge is to write 20 double-drabble (=200 words) using the following prompts.

Wish me luck ;)

1. Infatuation
2. Hope
3. Comfort
4. Kiss
5. Endearments

6. Vow
7. Bliss
8. Home
9. Memory
10. Grace

11. Pleasure
12. Believe
13. Dreams
14. Certainty
15. Date

16. Rose
17. Sweet
18. Rare
19. Surprise
20. Writer's choice

Progress: 20/20 (April, 29)

fandom: ncis, fanart: drabble, fanart: prompt table, community: drabble123

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