[Drabble] Too close to home

Feb 25, 2010 17:19

TITLE: Too close to home
AUTHOR: nicis_anatomy
CHARACTER: Jenny Shepard, Jethro Gibbs
GENRE: Het, General, Angst, Pre-Series
SUMMARY: Shopping in Paris … Heaven on earth for Jenny, but a living hell for Jethro, until she starts looking for postcards ... Written for challenge #102 "Secrets" for ncisdrabble100 and day #04 "postcard" for ncisdaily.
WARNINGS: English still isn't my native language (although I wish) and the story is not beta'd
DISCLAIMER: I don't own these characters (although I'd love to own Action Figure Gibbs), nor am I making any money from them. If I would Season 5 would have ended different.


“Wait, Jethro. I need to buy some postcards.“ Taking Jethro’s hand Jenny dragged him with her to the street corner.
They had the day off before their flight to London tomorrow morning and had decided to spend their time with sightseeing. Actually, it had been Jenny’s idea to explore the city and Jethro, who wasn’t in the mood to stay alone in their hotel room or liked the idea of Jenny being alone an this big city full of dubious people had agreed to accompany her. If he’d know how exhausting sightseeing with her would be, he would have changed his mind before they’d even left the lobby of their hotel.

Now, three hours later he was carrying Jenny’s shopping bags, following her into every shop and wishing that day would be over soon. He liked to spend time with Jenny and he enjoyed watching her doing ‘normal’ female things, but, unfortunately, like all women she had an almost excessive penchant for exclusive shoe stores and boutiques; and all Jethro wished for was a coffee and a short break.
When Jenny dragged him with her to that small shop, looking as relaxed and highly motivated as she’d looked earlier when they’d left the hotel, all his hopes of a break died. At least it wasn’t another shoe store she wanted to check out. He could live with postcards and magazines, although he feared that even these things could keep Jenny busy for hours.

“Why do you want to buy postcards, Jen?” he asked, watching her scanning the rack with postcards in front of the shop. “Is there a boyfriend back home waiting for a sign of life?”
“I don’t think so, Jethro,” Jenny replied, hitting his chest playfully. “In case you forgot what had happened in Marseille and ever since then… I wouldn’t have done this, if there’d been a boyfriend waiting for me in DC. Or do I look like a cheater to you?” She raised an eyebrow and when he shook his head, she hit him a second time. “That was a stupid question, Jethro.”
She turned back to the rack, searching for a card of the Eiffel Tower.

“Do you want to send one to daddy, telling them how ‘awesome’ Paris is?” Jethro asked teasing, but noticing the look in Jenny’s eyes, his grin vanished.
Suddenly, all the excitement he’d seen sparkle in her green eyes all day was gone, replaced by sadness that almost broke his heart.
“Wrong question?” he asked gently. Still watching her closely, he didn’t miss the second she needed to hide her feelings again, but the smile she then gave him didn’t reach her eyes.
“Is it important?” she asked.
“No… of course not.” Jethro shook his head, smiling and not knowing that this ‘don’t ask so I don’t need to lie to you or find excuses why I don’t want to talk about it’- behaviour would soon be the routine they would follow whenever their conversation hit too close to home.

- The End -

fandom: ncis, ncis: jenny shepard, community: ncisdaily, ncis: jethro gibbs, community: ncisdrabble100, fanart: drabble

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