[Icons] Trent Kort for ncis20in20

Feb 01, 2010 23:35

Another month and another bad habit ;)
Again, I just "wanted to start" today and ... well, I'm done ;)

This month I offer you 20 icons featuring Trent Kort/David Dayan Fisher for ncis20in20


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fandom: ncis, ncis: trent kort, community: ncis20in20, ncis: jenny_kort, fanart: icon, actor: david dayan fisher

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Comments 23

marciafan February 1 2010, 22:45:46 UTC
*dies* Can't even start to list all the icons I love...

Empty (♥♥♥ Trenny)
Sexy (*drools* XD)
Category #2
Category #3
Category #4
Category #5
Artist's Choice #4
Artist's Choice #5

These are just the ones I really really LOVE! Great job, hun! See why I didn't want to enter the challenge? I could never make stuff like that, my icons suck!

Oh and I will most definitely be snagging some of those in the near future lol.


nicis_anatomy February 1 2010, 22:57:51 UTC
Oh, don't die :( When you keep doing this I will stop being creative *g*
But I'm really glad you like them. Thank you! I think I'm satisfied with most of them, too. Doesn't happen too often ...

But I don't see a reason why you shouldn't have joined. You need to stop selling yourself short. Remember what David said: "Yes you can" ;)

Take whatever you like.


marciafan February 1 2010, 23:01:36 UTC
LOL don't you dare stop being creative! *Gibbs slaps you*

And thanks for saying that, but I really don't think my icons are worth it. The 20in20 challenge is for people like you to join! People who actually know what they're doing when they decide to make an icon lol. Not people like me, who have no idea what they're doing in PS XD


nicis_anatomy February 2 2010, 07:40:13 UTC
Okay, I won't ;) Promise ...

Well, half the time I don't know what I'm doing with PS either. And too often I have no idea how I did things afterwards. Most of my icons are born from accidents *g*


failegaidin February 1 2010, 23:24:21 UTC
Wonderful icons!! I especially like Fierce!


nicis_anatomy February 2 2010, 06:09:29 UTC
Thank you ;)


katie087 February 2 2010, 06:15:56 UTC
oooooh love!! Your icons always blow me away!
I love... well I'm trying to be more helpful then just saying all of them lol. I reeeally love crazy, fierce, mistake, sexy and ac#2. Great work!


nicis_anatomy February 2 2010, 07:38:25 UTC
Thank you ;) *hugs* I'm glad you like them! This batch gave me nightmares. I really shouldn't spend so many hours making icons before bedtime ...
Oh, and I love your icons. You can never have enough Abby-hugs *g*


mella68 February 2 2010, 07:54:30 UTC
Oh klasse. Ich hätte niemals gedacht, dass man so super Icons mit Trent Kort machen kann. Ich mag deine Category Icons. Die sind einfach klasse.


nicis_anatomy February 2 2010, 09:51:07 UTC
Danke schön ;) Ehrlich gesagt, hätte ich auch nicht gedacht, dass man mit ihm viel machen kann. Er schaut halt doch immer ziemlich grimmig und gleich aus der Wäsche *g* Um so mehr freue ich mich, dass es funktioniert hat (mag aber vielleicht auch daran liegen, dass mir der Kerl ans Herz gewachsen ist *rotwerd*).


nakeisha February 2 2010, 11:16:08 UTC

Just wow!

These are utterly amazing. I think they are the best icons you have made - and that's saying something, given what an amazing icon maker you are.


Crazy, Empty, Fierce, Numbers, Smile, Weird and all the AC.

*Is in awe*



nicis_anatomy February 2 2010, 12:07:03 UTC
Thank you again, Nikki!! I'm really glad these are okay. I was a bit afraid it wouldn't work since he almost always has the same facial impression (=grumpy) but I somehow managed to work with this.
And I think you are right: These are better than most of the rest I've made so far.
Thank you!!


nakeisha February 2 2010, 16:29:21 UTC
You are very welcome. And 'okay' doesn't cover it!

You did a grand job.

They are stunning.



nicis_anatomy February 2 2010, 19:18:08 UTC
Okay, I won't call them 'okay' anymore, ma'am ;)
Thank you!!!

And good luck with Ducky ;)


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